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April 23, 2015

P.K. Kongkraphan


P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  Solid round today, you know.  I start making the putt on first birdie, and then I try to keep making the putt.  I hit the ball solid today.  Putting, I make everything that I wanted.

Q.  Got off to a slow start and then rallied.  How do you overcome that first bogey?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  First bogey was a little bit cold in the morning and I push out the ball.  I try to keep the second shot in the fairway and try to make par.
You know, make bogey, that's fine.  If not in the fairway, just hit everything come back to the fairway, you know.  Bogey is not the best score on this course, you know.

Q.  What happened on 18?  I saw you were about 250 yards behind your playing partner there.  What happened?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  Yeah, I have a sprinkler really close to my ball.  If I hit behind the ball it's going to hit the sprinkler.

Q.  Had to get a rolling...
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  No, she said no.  That's why before I'm thinking I'm going to go for it.  Just 230‑yard shot.  I hit 5‑wood easy.
But I'm very uncomfortable.  You know, I don't have to go crazy.  I have very good eye when I'm finish with good score.  Yes.

Q.  What did you think about the eagle on 14?  What happened there?  Run me through that one.
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I hit the tee shot, that's good, and the second shot is perfect.
I have good putter today so I'm very confidence.

Q.  First on the Symetra Tour 2013 and then last year coming to the LPGA, what was that like for you?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  A little bit different, you know.  But I think I play on LPGA I'm very more comfortable and very have fun on this tour.

Q.  Feeling a little more comfortable in year two out here?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  Yes.  I finish top 10 last year on this course, and then I try to get the confident back.  I play good.  Good start.  Happy.

Q.  What is it about this course this suits your game so well?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I think this is tough course, and I try don't go crazy.  Just keep in the fairway; play the simple shot; just make the putt.
Just don't try too hard.  Just keep simple.

Q.  What kind of game does this course suit most?  Long hitters?  Shorter hitters have a better chance here?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I think putting.  I'm going low round because I am putting so well today.
I think is tee shot good, good tee shot, and then putting good.  I doesn't have much on the short putt, but I make all like 20 feet, 30 feet, I make it.

Q.  How has your game been this year heading into this event?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  The beginning of the year I doesn't do very well, but I try to get the confident back.  Last week I make the cut and this week I have more comfortable feeling.
That's why I play better golf.  It's all about confidence.

Q.  What's the plan heading into tomorrow?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I just do the same thing, you know:  don't go too like crazy.  Just keep in the plan.  Keep my head look down.  Just go in the plan.

Q.  Right.
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  Don't try too hard.

Q.  How windy s it out there?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  Oh, it's very windy.  And cold.  Yeah, I have to at the club more this morning.  But, yeah, hit it good.

Q.  How clubs difference is it out there?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I think, you know, from now, I think this morning is a little bit cooler, so like 10 yards, 15.

Q.  10, 15 yard wind?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  And windy out there, too, so it's tough.

Q.  Course playing long?  A lot of players are saying the rough is kind of...
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  It's not that long.  I think I hit longer.  On No. 10 I leave like 90 yards for second shot.

Q.  How did you get back to the confidence?  You said confidence is the key.  How do you get that when you feel like you don't have it?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I think have to make the cut, because when I miss the cut I feel very lost confidence.  Everybody say I have like big potential and I can do anything I want, but it's all about confidence.
So I just make the cut.  Just make me feel comfortable.  Then I can play.

Q.  How different is it going from being the top dog on the Symetra Tour and then coming out here?
P.K. KONGKRAPHAN:  I had to adjust a little bit.  Everything is different.  Play four rounds; Symetra Tour play two round.  I have to prepare myself a lot.

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