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March 28, 2015

Paula Creamer


Q.  You must be very pleased with the finish.  Very strong.  Take us through the last three holes and what was going through your mind there.
PAULA CREAMER:  You know, I've bogeyed that hole, 15, twice now, and I haven't really had many bogeys except on that hole, and I was pretty fuming after that, and I hit a really good tee shot on 16 to about 10 feet and maybe a little bit more, maybe 11, 12 feet, and I made it, and from there on I hit a good tee shot on the next and hit a wedge to about three feet on 17 and then made that 25‑footer up the hill on 18.  So it was good.  The whole day I gave myself lots of opportunities.  I really like this golf course.  I love playing in front of my friends and family, which is nice, but just starting to give myself more looks, and really having fun out there.

Q.  Is it cool to have 16 to kind of really kick start you?  Lydia hit it in the water today and you put it on the green.  Anything can happen there, but it can really kick start you.
PAULA CREAMER:  Yeah, I think the rules officials have done a great job of setting the course up, making 7 drivable, then putting 8 back and putting 10 back but then making 16 drivable.  Anything can happen out there, and that's pretty fun.  That's what you want.  You want to have some highs and some lows, and you've just got to play good when you have the opportunity and to capitalize, and I hit a good shot there, and I knew I wanted to make that putt, but you can't forget about the big picture of things and let it get away from you.  It's just one shot at a time on that hole, and I'm sure tomorrow‑‑ I don't know where the pin is.  I didn't see it.  But even though I made two today, I'm still just going to go try to hit a good tee shot tomorrow.

Q.  Got to be really good to be in contention again, obviously.
PAULA CREAMER:  Yeah, it feels good.

Q.  At this point what's your mindset about contending?  Is it much different now, your preparation or anything, than maybe a couple years ago?
PAULA CREAMER:  You mean going into tomorrow?

Q.  Yeah, just contending, knowing that you're going to be there tomorrow.
PAULA CREAMER:  Yeah, I feel really good.  I feel very calm, very excited.  I feel very in control of my game.  I just need to go out and keep doing what I'm doing, not worry about the leaderboard, and just try to keep working on what I've been working on with my coach, and just quite truthfully, just not get in my own way.  I've been working really hard, and it's nice to see it starting to pay off, and more importantly, just my confidence is in a good place right now.

Q.  Since the leaderboard is so stacked, there's a lot of people within a very short amount, what will it take for you to break away tomorrow?
PAULA CREAMER:  I want to start off strong, but if you look at today, I finished strong, so there's really no way that‑‑ either one you take, and just to not get too far behind.  I don't know where I'm going to sit after everybody is done, but I want to keep pace with everybody, and I'll be a couple groups in front of the leaders, that's for sure, so if I can post a good number, you never know what happens.

Q.  You're more and more comfortable around this golf course?
PAULA CREAMER:  I think so, yeah.  I'm hitting the ball really well.  I can kind of attack some pins here and there.  It just comes down to eliminating bogeys and making as many putts as you can.  These greens as the day goes on, they're harder and harder to make putts, so you've just got to really stay patient and trust your line, and whatever happens, happens.

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