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March 27, 2015
C. BELLIS/Z. Diyas
6‑2, 6‑1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How was it different from your match against her at the US Open?
CATHERINE BELLIS: Well, this one I think I played a lot smarter. At the US Open I was really like caught up in, you know, all the kind of hype that was going on.
But this one I was just really focused and played my game. I think I did what I needed to do to win really well.
Q. There is going to be hype here, obviously. Do you think it's going to be different for you?
CATHERINE BELLIS: Well, I think it's different because I'm just more used to it now. I think at the US Open like I was so new to that kind of stuff because I hadn't really done anything on like a world level before that.
So I think I'm just used to it, you know. I have gotten better at it.
Q. It's totally normal, winning on the tour now?
CATHERINE BELLIS: It feels pretty good. (Smiling.)
Q. Have you decided to be professional?
CATHERINE BELLIS: Huh‑uh. Amateur. I haven't decided yet, but I think just keep my amateur status for a little bit longer, just, you know, in case.
Q. It depends on maybe if you break top 100?
CATHERINE BELLIS: Yeah, definitely.  Getting closer. (Smiling.)
Q. If you meet Serena next, what would it mean for you?
CATHERINE BELLIS: I mean, it's going to be really fun. I have nothing to lose, so I'm just going to play my game and see what happens.
Q. The power she has, the atmosphere, what kind of mindset do you have to be in on court against her?
CATHERINE BELLIS: I think, you know, just don't really think about who I'm playing. It's just, you know, another one of my opponents that I'm playing. Doesn't really matter who it is.
We are all in the same tournament, so we are all kind of at this level. You can't really think about who you're playing. It's just a ball that's coming back on the other side of the court. You just have to go out and not think about that stuff and just play your game. That's what I'm planning to do.
Q. Comparing to the US Open, what have you improved on in your game?
CATHERINE BELLIS: I think every single part of my game has improved since the US Open. I mean, just from today, like I lost to her at the US Open, which was I don't know how many months ago, like eight months ago or something, and today I bet her 2 and 1.
So I think everything in my game has improved. I have been working really hard, extremely, extremely hard since the US Open just for that. I think it's really paying off, so I'm really happy.
Q. Do you know your schedule after this tournament?
CATHERINE BELLIS: I'm playing the WTA in Charleston, and then I'm not sure after that.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports