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March 19, 2015

Roy Williams



COACH ROY WILLIAMS: I've got so many thoughts running through my mind right now, it's hard to think of something. Our SID just showed me the notes and information, and I was demoted. I'm an assistant coach. Steve Robinson is the head coach, so I don't know why I'm up here because it said in error that I was the assistant coach, so that's No. 1. No. 2, I asked Justin Jackson if he had ever made a big shot to tie the game and another shot to win the game and his coach went and screamed at him and reamed him out in the locker room, and he said no. And the third thing is I feel like I've won the lottery because Tommy Amaker did a much better job with his team than I did with mine. We were extremely lucky. It's the luckiest I've ever felt after a basketball game in my entire life. In saying that, I'm thrilled that we're still here and we're still playing. These two guys beside me, Marcus made two big shots and Justin made two big shots. If we had played a little bit better, it may not have required that but you've got to give Harvard credit for driving me whacko. I've got a guy that made his last two shots and should be on top of the world, and I was screaming at him and the whole bit, but I did get him to grin once we left the locker room, and a little bit there. That's it.

Q. Just comment on Wesley Saunders. Did you have a strategy for him, and did you talk about him in the second half?
COACH ROY WILLIAMS: Well, we thought we had a strategy for him but it didn't work. But we had a couple of silly mistakes. We make a three -- Justin makes a big three to start the second half, and I think we were up like 11 at half, so we make a three to go up 14, and then two of our more experienced players decided to leave their best player wide open and he makes a three immediately. I'm looking at Marcus. He was one of them. The other one is not up here. But he was a load, and we knew that. Last year he was Player of the Year in the league. We tried to focus on him with our team. J.P. really did a pretty doggone good job, but he was really, really hard to guard, and he had 15 at half. I think we did a little bit better job in the second half. He finished with 26, so not that much better. But yes, we went zone one time and that didn't work, and we tried to go another defense and double one time and that got a foul. So we just stuck with our bread and butter down the stretch and got them to miss two shots.
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