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March 9, 2015

Mashrafe Mortaza


Q. Skipper, just the same question that I asked Mahmudullah about the significance of this occasion from a Bangladesh perspective?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Yeah, definitely it is significant for us. Back home people are expecting that we can go through, but we know how difficult it was in Australia because normally we never played in those kind of pitches, like Melbourne, Brisbane or Adelaide. So it was very difficult. But the boys have been very confident. They have been working hard. I think it's really helpful for us the way they are working hard.

Q. What went through your mind when it was getting close, and what did you tell your colleagues, teammates, how to go about it?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Yeah, it was a bit frustrating when it was getting close, especially dropping catch was also very frustrating for us. But you know, it happens in cricket. But at the end of the day, we win, so we are really happy.

Q. Talk about the crowd support; they made a big difference because England had hardly any supporters there.
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Yeah, crowd, I always tell the press conference once we come into Australia, we never thought that much crowd will come and supporting us, but it was amazing to see that people from all over the world, even though they stay in Australia, also from back home they are coming to the ground and keep supporting us. It was amazing.

Q. Mashrafe, we spoke a while back, but this win is probably a stepping-stone for future success of Bangladesh cricket. What does this win mean to you, a quarterfinal berth and a possible start of good times?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Yeah, it was a good win. I would say it's a great turn for us. If I go back, I think our problem was a bit consistency, but in this World Cup, two out of these five matches we have been very consistent, and hopefully it will keep going for next few matches. Obviously the boys are really happy and hope that is one of the best turns for us and the Bangladesh cricket will move from here.

Q. Your pace bowlers were very good. Could you talk us through the different strengths of your pace attack?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: I'm sorry to say peoples are talking very rubbish about our pace bowling, and we know what we are. We know how capable we are. I hope people surely start to giving some respect to the peoples, and I'm really happy with our quicks, that they have shown the world how good they are. Hopefully this will bring their confidence up and show again and again in this sort of tournament, and I would request once again people please show some respect to the peoples.

Q. Describe the bowling of Rubel Hossain.
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: He has been fantastic the last one and a half years, I think. The way he's bowling, it's nice to see from mid-on or mid-off. He's swinging the ball, he's bowling fast, and I'm really happy that he take all the pressure in his shoulder and deliver from the start, and hopefully -- and I should mention that he was under tremendous pressure before coming in this World Cup. He put the pressure outside and showed his performance, and the whole world have seen how good he is. Hopefully he will continue.
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