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March 8, 2015

Jon Curran


Q.  Tough finish there at the end, but I mean altogether had to be happy with the day and the position you put yourself in?
JON CURRAN:  Yeah.  It was just a kind of a‑‑ you know, I'm really proud of myself to put myself in the position that I was in, but you know, it was just kind of a surreal place to be.  I had a chance to win.  I was right there.  But you know, it was unfortunate, but my rookie move, I'm making some moves in the right direction.  That's kind of the things I want to start doing.
I've been playing really well.  I stayed calm all day and I gave myself a shot on the Back 9.  It's something I'm proud of and I'm happy the way I played and happy the way I finished.  Alex is a great player, and all these guys had a pretty good week.
You know, unfortunately the last hole being green side in two.

Q.  Yeah.  Go through that last hole on 18?
JON CURRAN:  Hit a good drive, hit a good second shot.  Just trying to get it up there.  And lie was buried.  Really fluffy lie.  All I had to do was just land it on the green somewhere.  And you know, like I said, you know, on the last hole with a chance to win a PGA TOUR event and I was a little nervous, a little‑‑ you know, I don't know.  It was a good experience.

Q.  Looking forward to next week.  I mean you're obviously playing well.
JON CURRAN:  I keep telling‑‑ everybody asks me what's the best thing about the PGA TOUR, and literally the best thing is being able to play the next week out here.  I've had events where I played, and the next week I was going on a Hooter's tour event or Web.com event.  But week in, week out, to be able to come out here and play, it's a lot of fun.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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