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February 27, 2015

Patrick Reed


DOUG MILNE:  Patrick Reed, thanks for joining us for a few minutes.  I know it's been kind of a long day, but you got it in, second consecutive 67 today.  Rocky start with the double‑bogey, and you followed that with five birdies.  So with that, just a couple comments on the day.
PATRICK REED:  Yeah, I didn't know if today was ever really going to end with the weather and with the rain.  It just seemed like that one line kept oncoming through.  It made for a long day.
But to get off to a rough start with making that double on 11 and to be able to play bogey‑free from there on out, we especially not only the wind but the rain and the stopping and starting, it meant a lot to me just because it means my game is where it needs to be and hopefully can just continue through the weekend.

Q.  You're close to Trump Doral.  Is there good MoJo just coming this way?
PATRICK REED:  I guess so (smiling).  We've always played‑‑ I can't really say we've played well here but we've always made the cut.  We're always glad to be back.
It just seems like when the wind is blowing here, it allows me to get creative and hit more of my shot‑shaping shots I normally hit.
You know, it's fun golf and especially with the weather with how it's been, it's playing how I like this golf course to play.

Q.  The shot‑making, I saw a lot of draws today.  Do you normally hit a lot of draws or was it just the way that certain holes were playing?
PATRICK REED:  I normally hit‑‑ my main shot is right‑to‑left.  Just seemed like today, especially with how long it was playing, any time any of us hit a little cut or anything like that, the ball just seemed to fall out of the sky.  I was just trying to get it basically‑‑ as much yardage as I could out of it.

Q.  How many times did you have to leave the course today?
PATRICK REED:  We left it at 12, left it at 13‑‑ we left it twice.

Q.  And then just watching you play out there, it looked like even when you didn't hit a good shot, you your recoveries were‑‑ it seemed like you made every par safe you needed to?
PATRICK REED:  It's just one of those days that when I did miss a shot, I missed it in the right spots.  So I gave myself the opportunity to be able to get up‑and‑down.  The putter was working today and hopefully just works for the rest of the weekend.

Q.  How hard is it when you do have that early stumble and you have to kind of stop and just kind of think about it for a while instead of being able to go out there and play and make some birdies?
PATRICK REED:  I was happy that we got to stop.  It was coming down pretty hard.  Just seemed like early this morning, it was a little cooler and the ball is just going nowhere.
To be able to come in after 12 and know I can go back out:  I have 13 which is a pretty easy hole; 14, which is‑‑ I mean, 14 through 17 is always, you know, a tough stretch here.
But with having two par 5s left, and that front side I tore up, I knew if we were able to get back out there with no rain, that I had a chance.  And you know, luckily we didn't get stopped again.

Q.  With your win in Hawai'i, you got put into pretty elite company with guys that have won four times by 25.  What did that mean to you to be mentioned with those guys, and we don't even know, might have to look at stats if you get a fifth win here, but what did that mean to be grouped with Tiger and Jack and Rory and Sergio?
PATRICK REED:  It always means a lot.  You know, just the main thing is I feel like I just keep on improving day‑in and day‑out.  I feel like I've improved on little things that I've needed to be a little more consistent, and luckily we've been in the hunt coming down Sunday.  We've done pretty well.

Q.  Do you consider yourself a good mudder with the forecast here for the weekend?
PATRICK REED:  Yeah, you know, in Houston, it rains a lot, and I played high school golf in Baton Rouge, which it also rains a lot there.
I'm used to playing in the rain and the wind, so the tough thing is all these guys out here can play in it.  So it's just whoever has it that week and that day, and hopefully I can just continue to do what I'm doing.

Q.  Last year, you were equally as hot but you had not played in any major championships before the year had started.  Now this year, having gone through that last year, do you feel like maybe you'll be more prepared when they come around this season, especially at Augusta?
PATRICK REED:  I hope so.  Had a long year to prepare for it.  Yeah, for sure, especially around Augusta, which you need to see that place quite a bit.
You know, I felt like I hit the ball really well there.  It's just I didn't play the course very well.  I didn't put myself in the right spots and I feel like I'm getting better at that with every course I play.  Hopefully I can just continue in those four.
Q.  Next week you're going to be reminded again at Doral about the top five comment you made last year.  Were you surprised at the reaction and a year later, do you wish you would have said something different?  Do you regret at all saying that?
PATRICK REED:  No, I don't regret saying anything.  It's just one of those things that it's a coal mine, and if I continue to play well and give myself chances on Sunday, hopefully I'll get there.

Q.  Were you surprised how people reacted to it?
PATRICK REED:  Not really.

Q.  I'd like to preface my next question when I say, I thought you are a top five player‑‑
PATRICK REED:  I appreciate it (laughter).

Q.  You had a lot of birdies yesterday in horrible conditions and then a bunch of birdies today.  It seems like no matter what the weather is doing, your game is pretty solid right now?
PATRICK REED:  Yeah, the main thing this week so far is I haven't really had that big miss.  I haven't missed myself in spots where you're automatically making bogey or double because either penalty shot or short‑siding yourself downwind.
It seems like every time I've missed the ball, I've missed it in the right spot where I've been giving myself chances.  Like I said the putter has been working pretty well this week so far, and you know, any time your putter is working, even if you get aggressive with a chip, you look at five, six feet, you have that confidence that you're going to make it.
DOUG MILNE:  Thanks for your time.  Best of luck on the weekend.

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