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February 19, 2015
G. MUGURUZA/C. Navarro
6‑7, 6‑3, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. It took a while, but you got it done.
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Yeah. Tough match. I mean, when you play one of your best friends on court, you're like all the time thinking, come on, keep going. You know how the other one plays so much, so it's hard.
Q. What did your coach say to you?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: He said to me just, This match is mentally. You're playing good, both Carla and me. It's just mentally. You know, don't be with a lot of nerves. Just become. That's it. All mental.
Q. Because you could have got quite down on yourself after the first set.
Q. You could have got down on yourself. You could have...
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Yeah, yeah. Well, I had a lot of I think three set points in the first one. So I was sad because I lost the first set, but I said, If I want to win this match I cannot play bad the second set. My only chance is to win the second set and try to have chances to win the match.
So I said, Okay, the second set I'm going to give it all, and if I win, I will have options to win the match.
Q. Why do you think you're playing so well? Not just now but over the last year.
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Well, I think that the difference now, it's my like mental preparation. During the match I'm not like before. Before I had a lot of ups and downs doing the same match. I was 6‑1, 2‑6, 6‑4. Now I'm more regular or more constant, is the word ‑‑
Q. "Consistent."
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: "Consistent." More consistent. I mean, this is the difference between the good players and the rest.
Q. We are not 100% sure how to pronounce your name.
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Garbiñe Muguruza.
Q. With a "Z"?
Q. So like a "th"? Garbiñe?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Garbiñe. Like España. "N," that thing on top.
Q. What do you know of Karolina?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: About Karolina? I think I played ‑‑I don't know if it was her sister before, but, well, she's playing great this year. I think she's the one that won more matches in 2015.
She's playing great. I saw the match with Safarova, another tough match and playing from the same country, like my match. So I think it's going to be a tough match.
Q. Have you set yourself a goal ‑ I know it's a tricky question‑ but for 2015? You scored some big wins last year. Your ranking went up. You clearly have the potential to go a lot further.
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: My goal? My goal is try to, every time go to the court, try to win the match, be constant. Not to have injuries. Last years I had a lot of injuries.
Just be healthy and try to, yeah, be more ‑‑ improving every day. Not a big goal I have. It's just this one. I think it's very important.
Q. Now you are 100% Spanish after all the...
Q. Is there any pressure? You know, for so long there has been a sort of tennis god from tennis in the men's game, but since Aranxta and Conchita, there hasn't been a Grand Slam winner. Is there pressure to succeed?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Well, in Spain they want to have another Arantxa and Conchita. It's normal. I think it's very difficult to be like Aranxta and Conchita.
In men's we have great players. I mean, amazing. So it's hard for the girls to go there, but we are going in this direction, I think.
Q. I read an interview where you said your parents told you when you were a kid...
Q. When you were a child your parents told you to always be brave, not be scared of anything.
Q. Was that specific to tennis or was that for everything in life?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Well, I think they meant everything in life. But since I have played tennis when I was three, I start, three or four, so I just do it on the tennis court, not to be scared and try to, you know, don't be...
Q. With your weighted shot and your big serve, you can really impose yourself on opponents, but there is always a danger of just trying to hit too hard, isn't there? Is that a problem?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Yeah. Well, I have a game that I have to play like really aggressive and strong and deep, so I have a lot of options to miss the ball. And I know that.
But my game is to miss less than, like, to win more points than I lose. So I don't care if I suddenly miss three balls, because I'm thinking, okay, next one I'm going to win it.
So it's part of my game. Sometimes I miss a lot, but I'm just calm because I know I have to play like this because is the way that I play better.
Q. And you can stay calm? You don't get annoyed with yourself?
GARBIÑE MUGURUZA: Well, in the beginning when you have to play aggressive and you start to miss, you're like, I have to play more short. But with the time, you see that all the great players and to win important matches, you cannot be like putting the ball inside and run, you know.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports