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February 18, 2015
S. HALEP/T. Pironkova
6‑4, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. So when you were seeing all those seeds getting upset, does it go through your head when you were going on the court at all? Like Venus lost...
SIMONA HALEP: I didn't watch, to be honest. I did just my work before going on court. I practiced, I had a little bit of treatment with my physio.
So, you know, doesn't matter sometimes who wins or who lose, because tennis, it's like you never know what is happening on court. So, yeah, I take every match like a tough one and I expect everything.
So I'm going just on court to do everything I can in that moment and to try to win.
Q. Did you know they had all lost before you took the court?
SIMONA HALEP: No. I didn't know.
Q. It looked like a comfortable match but not an easy one for you.
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, wasn't easy because she has, I can say, a little bit strange game because is different. She's hitting the backhand a little bit under the ball and it's coming very strange, and you cannot hit with a lot of power. You have just to play a little bit higher to make something on court, to open the court and to make her uncomfortable to hit.
She likes to hit from the shoulders, so it's not easy to play against her. But I just try to do my game and to make less mistakes.
Q. After the Australian Open, did you go back to that quarterfinal with Makarova and analyze what went wrong there? You're playing her next.
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah. I know I play against her. It will be a tough match. I know her pretty well because I played few times against her.
In Australia, it was very tough. I couldn't play my best in that day, but she was better than me there. But tomorrow it's another day, another game, so I have my chance to win, but still I expect a tough match, I have to run a lot, and to be careful because she's lefty.
Q. You have had the benefit of playing at night.
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah. It's good. (Smiling.) I'm lucky.
Q. When you prepare for a match and you're with your coach, do you watch lots of videos and you then discuss with your coach?
Q. So what do you do to prepare for a match, say, against Makarova tomorrow?
SIMONA HALEP: He will tell me, you know, the tactic, what I have to play and what shots is her best shot.
So, you know, just preparing what I have to do on court, what it's good for me to do like to be aggressive or to stay a little bit behind.
So depends of the opponent, but normally I don't watch videos. I don't like. Just to speak with my coach what I have to do on court.
Q. What about your input with your coach?
Q. Yeah. He's telling you what to do, but do you actually say, Well, don't you think I should be doing this as well?
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, for sure. I'm speaking every time with him. I tell my opinion every time, and he's listening me and I listening him as well.
Q. I remember last year in Doha you had quite a lot of Romanian fans in the stands. Today as well. They are saying it's one of the best‑attended Wednesday match.
Q. Does it surprise you that you're in the Middle East and you have all this following?
SIMONA HALEP: Not really, because I had before this support in Doha, like you said, last year, and in Dubai, as well. It's really nice to have so many Romanian people to support you, and they came, many people. I cannot, you know, imagine ‑‑I couldn't imagine before that will come so many people, but it's nice to play and you feel like home. I mean, I feel very well on court with them.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports