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February 6, 2015
Q. A very good day. I know you're a little mad about the bogey, but are you just happy to be done and pleased with the day overall?
JENNY SHIN: Yeah, I can't wait to go back to bed. It's been a long day.
Q. So long. How bad were the conditions considering you guys were playing so much golf?
JENNY SHIN: Let's just say I've never played in these conditions before. We asked the officials is this playable? But the ball's not floating around on the green, so we can't say anything about it. But this course is set up perfectly where it's still playable. It's not always straight into the wind. It's not always straight downwind. The layout was just perfect. So regardless of the weather, I putted very well the last two rounds, so I think that's the reason why I was able to pull off an under par.
Q. Coming into this year I know you played super well last year. Goals that you're setting, what did you work on in the off‑season, did you feel good coming into this year overall?
JENNY SHIN: Yeah, seems like I consistently played well in the beginning of the year the last three years, so I think I'm kind of going on the same track. But I've changed my strategy completely and changed coaches this past off‑season, and I think that has made me play‑‑ or made this weather playable for me because I was able to shape shots and do all of that‑‑ I can't think straight right now.
Q. Who is it? Who is your coach?
JENNY SHIN: Right now I have James Oh as my swing coach, and my putting coach has been Young Kim from our Hanwha director, but he was my putting coach last year as well. And my putting stats have been very good this last year and so far this year.
Q. You played decently well last week. Anything you thought like, all right, I've got to improve on this coming into this week?
JENNY SHIN: I changed my putter to Scotty this year, and I've only been using it for 17 days. So last week it was a brand‑new putter, brand‑new feeling. So it took me maybe a week to get used to, because I used to play a Blade putter my whole life. Then last year I used a Daddy Long Legs just for that year, so it was a quick comeback. But it didn't take long to get used to.
Q. No? You're feeling much better with it and you plan to keep going?
Q. Obviously, you'll have probably a long break until tomorrow. Plans for tomorrow? What do you do in times like that, just chill out or do you try to stay busy?
JENNY SHIN: I try to stay busy. I'm not a deep sleeper, so I don't sleep for that long. I'll probably watch the afternoon wave suffer like we did for a little bit (laughing), and just enjoy the course, I guess.
Q. You're obviously in very good position for the weekend. Obviously, a feeling you feel comfortable in and something you look forward to getting into?
JENNY SHIN: I've been staring at the scoreboard all week. I love the tension, and I am definitely looking for a first win, hopefully this week.
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