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February 6, 2015
Q. I guess you had the quick turnaround like a few people?
DORI CARTER: Yeah. I was on 8.
Q. So just 8 and came back?
DORI CARTER: Yeah, hit a couple of balls, hit a couple of putts. Grabbed a quick bite to eat, and watched the first groups tee off and went right behind them and kept on going.
Q. Are you a fan of that not to have to wait around to get right back out there? You felt okay?
DORI CARTER: Actually, yeah, because of the morning I had, I was like sure, why not, keep going. But that's part of it. And it turns out it's going to turn out to be fair because the afternoon wave's probably going to have to do that tomorrow, so the quick turnaround was not that big of a deal.
Q. Now just the wind, I have to ask. Worst you've had in a really long time? Worst ever?
DORI CARTER: Pretty close. My caddie actually after we hit our approach shot on the last hole said I'm not going to lie, this is the worst conditions I've ever seen‑‑ wind conditions, wind. He told me on the last hole. He didn't say it middle of the round. But we laughed about that. And, yes, it's pretty crazy, but then again we kind of know that is the Bahamas style and like Hawaii and things like that. You just expect it.
Q. Anything you did in particular to prepare for this week for wind? I know you played last week.
DORI CARTER: Yeah, not really. I grew up‑‑ I didn't necessarily grow up in the wind, but where my coach teaches out of is extremely windy, so I kind of feel like I'm maybe comfortable with the wind. I don't know. I can maybe hit that lower ball flight that helps, but I don't know.
Today was just all about take what I can get and see what happens. Morning round, the back nine of my morning round really was just like it couldn't have gone any better. Glad that I got to just keep going and keep playing.
Q. Who is your coach?
DORI CARTER: Gale Petersen at Sea Island. Sea Island, which is very windy, kind of coast and stuff like that. So I've kind of learned how to handle it.
Q. Coming off the missed cut last week?
DORI CARTER: Yeah, brutal last week. I saw a quote that really inspired me. It was, "A setback is a set‑up for a comeback." So all week‑‑ I wrote it down in my yardage book. Just because you had that week last week doesn't mean you have to do it again. I think it was a book that my sports psychologist told me to read, so I've just been trying to move on.
That was the first one of the year. You hate to start that way, but then again, you never know what that means. It might mean you can have a great year.
Q. It can only get better from there?
DORI CARTER: Exactly, it can only get better.
Q. Now coming off your best year on Tour last year and off‑season, what did you work on? What did you want to improve on?
DORI CARTER: I wanted to‑‑ last year was my first year playing pretty well, and then I got off to a great start and then I kind of like flattened a little bit at the end. So I worked really hard on trying to prepare myself for a full Tour season, and maybe build some endurance and maybe to try to know what's coming ahead and mentally prepare. So I also took a lot of rest and took some time off, got away from it.
Now I feel like I'm no longer a rookie in a way. I had my first really full year. I played in all the Asia events and there's not that many tournaments I haven't played in now. Now I just know what to expect, and I've got to be able to handle the long season. So that's what I kind of mentally prepared myself for this year.
Q. What would you call the strengths of your game? What are the things in your game that you wanted to work on the most?
DORI CARTER: Well, I switched putters this off‑season actually. My putting stats did really improve a lot from last year, but I think I can get it even better now putting with that Matt Kuchar style putter. Last week I struggled with it, it was new. And that was the first time I put it under pressure, but I worked really hard this past weekend and my time off and I've gotten a lot more comfortable. So I really want to improve on my putting. My short game's gotten a lot better. Wedge work has gotten a little better. Definitely I always want to improve the putt number. Those are the money makers.
Q. (Indiscernible)?
DORI CARTER: It's traditional.
Q. I'm sorry, what was the name of your putter?
DORI CARTER: A bet Bettinardi, but it's the Kuchar style. Everybody's like that's what Kuchar is playing with. Kuchar is a Sea Island guy as well, so that's kind of how it got introduced to me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports