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January 30, 2015

Ryan Moore


Q. 4-under 67 in the second round. How did you do it, first of all?
RYAN MOORE: You know, I got off to a nice start. Starting on the back side, birdied 11, 12, 13 in a row. It was coming down there pretty good actually for a couple of those holes. Really, after that, just hit a lot of solid shots, kept it in play. I mean, tough days like this, that's what it's all about. Put yourself in the fairway as much as you can and get it on the green and give yourself as many easy pars as possible. Kind of stumbled, missed a little short one on that second 9 for par, only bogey of the day. Bounced back and made a really nice birdie on 7, my 16th hole. Overall it was just a really good solid round of golf.

Q. Second best round of the day. Are you kind of a mudder?
RYAN MOORE: I grew up in Seattle, so, yeah, I played in a little bit of rain and all that good stuff. Doesn't make it any easier. I mean, these kind of days, they are tough days, they test your patience. They test every aspect of your game, and, you know, to go out and shoot a good solid round like this, it's good.

Q. Is it more physically demanding or more mentally?
RYAN MOORE: I mean, there's definitely both, but mentally it's pretty tough. You know, it just doesn't go away. This is one of those days, you kept thinking there was going to be a break in it somewhere and it just kept coming. It wasn't super hard rain, but it was just enough to kind of get everything wet and just annoying drizzle. So, yeah, I mean, the mental, just staying in it, it's tough.
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