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December 31, 2014
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. The selfie thing is a big deal now this year.
EMMANUEL OGBAH: It was great. We had a lot of fans coming in, taking selfies, all that. It was a lot of fun.
Q. Gundy started dancing. Now every coach comes in the locker room doing that.
EMMANUEL OGBAH: That wasn't the first time we seen that. We've been seeing that since last year.
Q. What do you call it?
EMMANUEL OGBAH: The Gundy dance, I guess.
Q. What song would you put it to if you had to?
EMMANUEL OGBAH: I don't know.
Q. How about Get Low?
EMMANUEL OGBAH: That's a good thing.
We normally clap while he dances. Goes off of the beat, so...
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports