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December 19, 2014

Arjun Atwal


Q.  That must have felt like a special day.
ARJUN ATWAL:  Yeah, it felt really good, actually.  Felt like the old days.  It was good.  Yeah, no mistakes, no bogeys.  Solid.  And it was playing‑‑ it was easy, it was gettable.

Q.  Conditions were favorable?
ARJUN ATWAL:  Yeah, it was easier than yesterday in the afternoon.  Hopefully it blows in the afternoon because yesterday was tough in the afternoon.  I found a little something in my putting.  Just yesterday I made an adjustment on the golf course, and I started making some putts.

Q.  Also last time you had the lead.
ARJUN ATWAL:  Well, I'm not going to be leading by the end of the day‑‑

Q.  You never know.
ARJUN ATWAL:  Well, it's somewhere close, so I guess it's better than not leading.

Q.  The last few weeks you've been playing a bit more.  Is this a result of just being out here competing?
ARJUN ATWAL:  I think so.  I haven't played this many in a row in two years.  You know, obviously I'm trying to get comfortable under pressure.  Actually I know where my misses are going to be, so I limit that, so it's better.

Q.  Nice to get the adrenaline flowing, as well?
ARJUN ATWAL:  Yeah, it didn't really flow that much, but if I'm in contention Sunday probably it will.

Q.  Is there anything you need to work on the next couple days?
ARJUN ATWAL:  No.  Tired.  Keep going, doing the same thing.  It's five in a row, and I'm playing next week in Calcutta, as well, in our Tour Championship over there.  I'm going to rest up.

Q.  Does the golf course fit you?
ARJUN ATWAL:  Yeah, it's not bad.  You know, it's set up pretty fair by the Asian Tour.  They could play it all the way back and then it would be pretty unfair, but it's a fair setup.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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