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October 30, 2014
Q. How much of a factor is the heat as the day goes on?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It's definitely important. It kind of hits you I'd say kind of making the turn and walking up that hill on, what's that, 13 or 14. Man, it really wipes you out.
Fortunately you gotta get up top, you're going to go downhill for the rest of the round from there. We're not too used to this over in the U.S., and I think this is going to be a battle all weekend.
Q. How would you assess your round generally?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I was happy that it was a nice start. Making six birdies is awesome, putting it great. Disappointed in my par‑5 performance. I played the par‑5s 2‑over, which I would say these are pretty easy par‑5s, especially I drove it in pretty good position. So kind of got a bad break with a bunch of mud on the ball at 18 there, but it's fine. It's just a start, you know. Can definitely shoot yourself out of the tournament the first round, but shoot 4‑under, hoping to be there on the weekend.
Q. Coming into this people are saying the par‑5s are really the key. I guess that makes it disappointing.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, especially with good drives on most of‑‑ except for 5, didn't hit it good on 5. The other ones I hit good tee shots.
I'll just rectify that tomorrow and hopefully get those 3‑under tomorrow and do the same thing, maybe get a low one in there tomorrow. But we'll see how the weather is, too. Looks like something might be coming in and hopefully we'll get as much golf in today as possible.
Q. And you get a feeling, I mean it took you a while to get the first break through on the tour, you're really hitting a stride. Are you comfortable with your game?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah.  You know, last year was kind of a strange year with having my daughter, and we had her six weeks early, so I kind of‑‑ our plan for my schedule was much different than God's plan for my schedule, so I played a lot of tournaments I normally wouldn't have and didn't play other ones that I normally do. But then to do what we did at Travelers was truly, you know, just‑‑ that was a dream come true. So that's something I'll never forget.
But I had a great start in Vegas and switched putters that Friday and still just feel great with the putter and just keep rolling.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports