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October 24, 2014
6‑2, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Obviously disappointing week for you probably. What do you think just didn't work for you in the matches where you weren't able to get it your way?
PETRA KVITOVA: You know, it's really tough to say it was disappointing week. I mean, I work really hard end of the season to qualified, and I was so happy to make it.
Of course that I wanted to play semifinal here, but, you know, I think I did great job during the season.
I won my second Grand Slam, and I think that's something what you're really working so hard. That's something what I really enjoyed and it's very deep in myself. I think that's something what‑‑ it's a Grand Slam, so it's really difficult to just beat it.
Of course I wanted to win today for sure. I mean, Caro played very relaxed and played so well. She was better on the court. I'm just glad that I beat Maria yesterday. It was after long time, so for me it was good win yesterday.
Yeah, and now I will go home. We are still playing Fed Cup final, so it's still something to do there.
Q. Speaking of Fed Cup, why do you think that not everybody ends up playing it? You've always been one of the top players that commits to Fed Cup and plays it every year and seems to enjoy it. For whatever reason, nobody else does. Why do you think that is?
PETRA KVITOVA: Probably I'm crazy. It's tough to say. You know, I love playing Fed Cup because it's by my country and I always really love to play team competition.
It's something very special for me to play, because tennis is so individual, and to be as a team for two, three weeks during the year is just great.
It's not really (indiscernible) in the schedule that I really like to play. We have great team, and we are just glad that we are playing final again.
I'm not pretty sure why the other players don't player. Aga is playing I think as a top 10 player; Angie is playing, so we are going to face each other in the final.
I don't know. I mean, probably have to ask them why they are not playing.
Q. It's been a long season. At this point in it, is there a bit of tiredness?
PETRA KVITOVA: Yes, of course. I'm very tired already from the long season.
But, you know, I work so hard in the Asia to qualify here, and I'm so tired and I really need couple of days off what I did. So it was great.
And I felt pretty well‑prepared for this tournament. Of course that you knew that it's going to be so tough. Every match it's going to be really difficult.
I just didn't make it. I mean, that's something what happened to each of us and something what we deal with that.
For me it's still not the end of the season, so I hope I can finish season with a trophy in my hands.
Q. How were the conditions for you this week overall? You've had a lot have success indoors in your career. Was that different somehow?
PETRA KVITOVA: Probably, yes. Probably I wish the surface was a little bit faster. But, you know, player as me has to deal with it as well.
So that is my fault. The girls played really well. I have to say Aga really made me lots of easy errors, and Caro played really well. So it's nothing to say about them.
Yeah, I mean, it was indoor, but it's probably not that...
Q. In the years past, you've always had over the course of the season a struggling with health, like viruses or getting sick before tournaments. How was that for you this year? Was it better this year?
PETRA KVITOVA: Probably. I mean, I was a little bit sick before I go to Wuhan, so maybe I have to repeat it, to be more sick during the year.
I don't really remember if I had any antibiotic. I think that I had like in the beginning in January before I go to Hopman Cup. I was sick. From that time I was good, so it's improving. (Smiling.)
Q. So after Fed Cup, what are your off‑season plans? How are you going to relax?
PETRA KVITOVA: That's what I don't know yet. (Laughter.)
I know that I will go somewhere for sure. Probably with Lucie Hradecka if she's free. So we have to decide. I'm not pretty sure yet still.
Q. Talk about the Fed Cup final. What do you expect from Germany? Probably will be Kerber and Petkovic I'm guessing as the singles players for them. How do you think that matchup will be?
PETRA KVITOVA: It's going to be Lisicki as well on the team, so I'm not pretty sure. It's pretty tough. We don't know final nomination of us as well, so we going to see. It's going to be I think great tie for a final. I think every match what we going to play is going to be just really great tennis. I'm just really looking forward.
I know how the atmosphere is when we play 2012, and all of us wants to win three points. The key, of course.
I think Angie is in very good form; No 9 player. So I think that she is going to lead the German team. They have a good atmosphere in the team as well as us, so I think it's going to be very interesting.
Q. So I know your season has only been over for about an hour, but looking forward to 2015, you said before that No. 1 rankings don't matter to you. It's just about slams. As you look into a new season, what do you think of as goals?
PETRA KVITOVA: I didn't think about that. Maybe if you're going to ask me until two months going to be easier to answer for me.
If course that I going to be very happy to stay in the top 10 for next year, and of course that I will do everything what I can on the Grand Slam and on the ranking as well.
But I think the number before your name, it's always how you are doing on the big tournaments, especially Grand Slams, and that's what I think I have to do better than this year. I won a Grand Slam, but the other three I didn't really have a great result.
So I think that's going to be like the goal for next season.
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