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October 24, 2014

Sihwan Kim


OLIVIA MCMILLAN:  Sihwan, welcome to the media center.  Well‑played today.
SIHWAN KIM:  Thanks.
OLIVIA MCMILLAN:  How did it feel out there, and can you describe your round to us a little bit?
SIHWAN KIM:  Started out quite well.  You know, got not a hot start, but made a birdie on the first hole and kind of made pars and just kind of get the flow going.
OLIVIA MCMILLAN:  Now, did you think that that kind of score was out there for you on this particular course?
SIHWAN KIM:  There are a lot of short holes, and I think if you just take advantage of the short holes you could shoot a good score.
Still, that being said, you still got to hit the fairway, hit the green, and make putts.
OLIVIA MCMILLAN:  Bogey on the last.
OLIVIA MCMILLAN:  Talk about the round overall.
SIHWAN KIM:  I'm happy with how I played today.  Obviously bogeying the last hole sucks, but the way I played and the amount of putts and up and downs I made on the course, yeah, I'm satisfied.

Q.  We were just chatting about the pin placements today.  Do you find them tougher?
SIHWAN KIM:  Yeah, they were a little tougher today I felt like with the greens firming up a little bit, and especially around the par‑5s where you do hit long clubs into the green for two it is a little tougher.
But with short irons there is know problems stopping it.

Q.  You think you gave yourself a good chance?
SIHWAN KIM:  Yeah, yeah, I put myself in the perfect place.  Just got to do what I've been doing and maybe hit a little more fairways.
Other than that, yeah.

Q.  What would a win mean to you?
SIHWAN KIM:  A win?  Can't get any better than a win in a golf tournament, can it?  A win is a win.

Q.  Tell us about your form coming in.
SIHWAN KIM:  This whole year I feel like I played all right.  Just nothing clicked, and my putting has been poor the whole year.
For the first time I felt like I left nothing out there, and that's certainly a good feeling.
I think my form is pretty good right now.  Just got to, like I said, keep on doing what I'm doing.

Q.  What's the main focus for the weekend?  Cashing in on the greens?
SIHWAN KIM:  Yeah, I've been making a lot of up and downs around the greens and my short game is quite good right now.
Yeah, just give myself a lot of birdie putts and I think it'll be all right.

Q.  For the Australian fans who might not have seen much of you yet, tell us a little bit about yourself.  What got you into golf?
SIHWAN KIM:  Started golf when I was nine.  I was born in Korea.  My parents kind of started getting into it and I started myself as well.
Moved to the States when I was 12 because of education and golf reasons.  I have two older sisters as well.  So for their education.  Been pretty much playing junior, amateur golf in the States ever since.
Went to Stanford and graduated, and after that just did both U.S. and European Q‑Schools.  Went to the final stage of the European, got my card on the Challenge Tour, played two years, and then got my European Tour card through there, and now I'm here.

Q.  What did you study?
SIHWAN KIM:  Communications at Stanford.

Q.  In terms of your status at the moment, where does it stand?
SIHWAN KIM:  I have to either win or runner‑up Cup.  That's my only two options.  But...

Q.  So a lot riding on the next two days.
SIHWAN KIM:  Yeah.  It's not like I don't care, but whatever happens.  Golf is a tough game.  Anything can happen out there.  So I don't have too much focus on that.

Q.  The last three putts today, 16, missed the green to the left; 17 came up short in the bunker; 18 missed from the fairway to the left.  Any nerves coming in?
SIHWAN KIM:  Maybe a little bit, but I have been hooking every tee shot so far.  So, yeah, all my misses were left off the tee.  Just been like that the whole day.
My irons were a little better, but, yeah, just been working on something and it's kind of making me pull drive a little bit.

Q.  (No microphone.)
SIHWAN KIM:  No, not on Friday.  Maybe if it was Saturday, Sunday, then they'll matter more.  I thought I was quite relaxed out there and tried to just finish well.

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