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September 24, 2014
C. WOZNIACKI/C. Dellacqua
6‑0, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. (Through translation.) Hello, sweetheart. First I'd like to congratulate your advance to the quarterfinal. Tomorrow you will meet your opponent, Timea. What do you think of her performance, and how do you evaluate her?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Well, last time I played Timea it was a tough match. I won in three sets. She's been playing well this week, and I know it's not going to be an easy match but I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully it will be a good one.
Q. At this point you're kind of winning on a regular basis, easy clip getting into the quarterfinals and stuff. Can you compare your mentality now and kind of almost maybe the expectation to win compared to maybe earlier in the season where there may be a few more doubts, I would assume? But maybe I'm wrong.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think always when I go out to a match I believe I can win and I believe that I'm the better player. But obviously whenever you're on a winning streak and have been playing a lot of matches and winning them, I think you make smarter decisions and better decision and go more for your shot in important points.
I think that's really the difference right now. Whenever I know that this can be important or can be, you know, deciding in the match, I feel like I have stepped it up and made the right choices.
I'm feeling good. I'm playing well. Hopefully I can keep it going till the end of the year, and hopefully next year I can start and finish the year well.
Q. So you have been obviously coming to China and playing in China for quite a few years now, and I'm wondering, have you noticed any changes whatsoever with respect to kind of how tennis is in China at this point and how it, you know, perceives WTA tennis, what the fans are like, those sorts of things?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think ever since Li Na started playing so well and brought attention to tennis in China and the nation in general, I think she definitely made it much bigger. And ever since then we have gotten more and more tournaments in Asia, and it's become a huge market for tennis, as well, and for women's tennis.
I think just the stadiums, all the facilities that there is here are just incredible, are amazing. All the big stadiums, all the fans are coming out, I think the fans are definitely into the tennis and it's great to see. It's nice to see so many people out here and watching.
Q. I saw you getting to talk to Li Na when she came on‑site for the visit. How is it kind of catching up with her and what did you guys talk about?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: It was really nice. I was texting with Li Na beforehand, as well. We were just joking around. As always, she's hilarious to be around. She said she's going to take me to do my nails in Beijing next week, so I hope she keeps her promise.
But, as always, she's just, you know, funny. We were just laughing about a few things. She was telling me where she will be around at a few tournaments next year. I said that we definitely need to catch up in between tournaments, as well.
Q. (Through translation.) First I'd like to extend my congratulations for advance to the quarterfinals. Since we all know that you entered the semifinal both in the US Open and Tokyo, did you have more confidence in advancing to get the semifinal in Wuhan Open?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: It was the finals, but I'm in the quarterfinals here and hopefully I can take the next step.  It's one match at a time.
Q. First of all, congratulations. I have two questions. One is that we know that you're still fighting for qualification for the WTA Final in Singapore. To you, how important the Wuhan is? And the second one is, as close friends, we know that you and Serena, I mean, she does the retire from her first match. So what's your opinion?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Wuhan is a big tournament I think for everybody. We want to do well here.
I'm fighting for a spot in Singapore, so obviously I just try and win as many matches now in the tournaments that I have left as possible. And at the end of the day, what's going to happen is going to happen. That's really it. I just ‑‑I do my best. That's all I can do.
About Serena, I obviously just want her healthy. That's the most important thing. You know, hopefully she will be healthy soon. It's always sad to see somebody retiring in a match, and I think everyone could tell that she wasn't feeling great on court yesterday. I hope she'll be back healthy and ready for Beijing.
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