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August 13, 2014

Paula Creamer

Laura Davies

Juli Inkster

Karrie Webb


KRAIG KANN:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Welcome to the Media Center here at the Wegmans LPGA Championship.  It is a great pleasure to have the four players sitting on this stage.  Full disclosure about why this press conference was created is obviously to talk about this week's event, but also to talk about the history of this championship and the folks in Rochester and what it's meant to the LPGA and these players.  So I think we have an all‑star cast here with Juli Inkster, Laura Davies, Paula Creamer and Karrie Webb.  We'll take plenty of questions, but I want to get some thoughts, first of all, on this week's venue and this golf course specifically before we talk about past and history and memories.  So Juli, let's start with you.  What are your thoughts on Monroe?
JULI INKSTER:  Oh, it's a great golf course.  I love the way it looks off the tee.  It's very‑‑ the greens are rolling very nice.  Great bunkering.  Some of the bunkers you can't see off the tee.  You gotta kind of know where they're at.  It's playing very long, or I'm getting very short, one or the other.
But I think it's a great venue.  I think the crowds are going to be fantastic this week, and you know, I don't know why we haven't been here for a while.  It's kind of nice.  It's a nice golf course.
KRAIG KANN:  Good to be here.  Laura, your thoughts.
LAURA DAVIES:  Yeah.  Same as Juli.  Really nice on the eye off the tee.  I mean I like hitting the ball left to right and that sets up for virtually every hole out here, which is nice for me, and I think you've gotta be pretty long because the fairways the way they are at the moment, pretty wet with all the rain we've had the last couple of days.  But yeah, nice shots into the ‑‑ par‑3s I think are going to play a big part because they're not only long, but if you miss the greens, you're gonna have some real problems, so I think the par‑3s as well as the course being long it's going to sort the winner out I think.
KRAIG KANN:  Paula, some folks have talked about second‑shot golf course, and your name was mentioned as somebody that that would suit quite well, hybrids being potentially a club of choice on some holes.  What are your thoughts after a couple of days here?
PAULA CREAMER:  I just think that some of the holes aren't quite set up to be the way they should be intentionally played, with the ridges and things.  I think 18 is a heck of a finishing hole.  It's pretty long.  When you're hitting woods into that green, just that fall front is difficult.  But I think it's a really good test of golf on the par‑3s and probably the hardest par‑3s on 18 that we've played I think all year.
The rough is thick around the greens.  Fairways are very generous.  It's just it's playing long.
KRAIG KANN:  Karrie, what's your take on Monroe Golf Club?
KARRIE WEBB:  I actually think this is one of the best courses I've played in a long time.  I played Monday evening, and obviously I'd say the setup for how the course played Monday evening it was dry and running and just in beautiful shape, but actually, the course has held the water really well.  I mean we're not getting any roll off the tee, but there was not an ounce of casual water out there today.  I think it's, you know, obviously a very well‑maintained golf course.
You know, I love the grain complex.  It's very true Donald Ross grain complexes, and it is a second‑shot course, and with the roughs around the greens this week, you know, trying to hit as many greens as possible will be key.
KRAIG KANN:  There's been a lot of talk, since it was announced that the LPGA was moving away from this fine community, about the LPGA leaving, so we thought we'd talk about that and talk about some of the memories that you all have had.  I think the theme for the LPGA is not good‑bye this week, but thank you, and everybody realizes what a special place this is.  So with that, I want to kind of get some thoughts from you all about that and your time here and what perhaps you'll miss most or some of the memories that you have.  So why don't I kind of work my way back this way and then we'll take some questions.  We've got microphones out there.  Karrie, start with you.  What stands out?  I know you've had a great history.
KARRIE WEBB:  Yeah, obviously I've won at Locust Hill a couple of times.  For me my first impression here, the first year I played was obviously the fan base and the crowds.  You know, I don't think we have a more loyal fan base out there, and even playing this week a lot of the people saying that they're sad to see us leave, and obviously we are, too.
I just‑‑ I find it hard to believe that we could have such a great relationship with the community as we do here in Rochester that we won't be back here at some point.  I really believe that, you know, the love affair between us and Rochester community could continue.  I think there would be interest to that.
You know, the Rochester community has given us a lot over the years, but I feel like we've given back a lot by the entertainment we've provided but also the charity money that we've raised for the local community.  So hopefully it's good‑bye for now, but hopefully we'll be back.
KRAIG KANN:  There are a lot of memories posted around the golf course.  There's like a gallery and all that sort of stuff.  I was talking with the tournament director, Linda Hampton, today, Paula, and she said, "ah, Paula Creamer, this is as close to a second home as you could find for any player on this tour" because you kind of grew up with this whole place.  Could you share some thoughts on that and what it's meant to you?
PAULA CREAMER:  Oh, my goodness.  You know, everything that Wegmans has done, I got a sponsor exemption to this event when I was 16 years old, and I was joking, I've had the same security guard since I was 16 to now, I'm 28.
You know, all the memories with my grandfather and my family coming out to watch, you know, has just been so supportive of not only just my golf, but women's golf in general, and I have made so many friends.  I mean I had a lot of people that come from this event that came to my grandfather's memorial a couple of years ago, and that just truly means so much to me.
I learned how to drive a car here, and now I'm getting married.  It's crazy to think 12 years.  But you know, like Webbie said, this has been‑‑ there's no way we're not going to have another event back here.  It's just the way you think of Rochester you think of women's golf and the fans, they've always been supportive no matter what and they continue to do that.
And playing out here you constantly hear "we're sorry to see you leave."  It's not about that.  38 years is a long time, and everybody should be proud of what they've done for women's golf here in this area.
KRAIG KANN:  Laura, you look up there with the list of champions, and it's hardly a who's that; it's a who's who, and your image is up there as well.  What does this event mean to you?
LAURA DAVIES:  Yeah, I was trying to work out last night, I think I've played 26 of the 28 years I've been on tour, so this is a golf course.  I loved Locust Hill when we played there, and obviously now we've moved here.  It's another great venue.
But I think as the girls have said, the galleries‑‑ I think the major championships, maybe the U.S. Open, sometimes the British Open, depending on where we are, you get bigger galleries, but I think the Rochester and Locust Hill galleries have been amazing, and on the first tee to the 18th green there's usually a pretty good number of people and walking the fairways with.  And they're they enthusiastic, and I think we'll miss that, and I think as they've both said, I find it hard to believe we won't come back here and play a tournament in this area again hopefully in the near future, because I think everyone loves coming back here.
KRAIG KANN:  If you've got questions, let's get some hands up and we'll get microphones.  Could be on any topic, and I'll get some thoughts here from Juli before we take our first question.  Juli, what's your take on this community and what everybody means?
JULI INKSTER:  Basically what they all said.  I mean I just I love the fans.  Coming down the first fairway they're three, four, five deep.
You know, starting ‑‑ I was kind of just driving in here where you see the $10 parking signs.  I think when I first started it was like maybe two bucks to park on‑‑ yeah.  Maybe 50 cents.  I'm not even sure.  And now it's all the way up to $10 on a practice round.  So yeah, that was kind of funny, because I vividly remember two dollars.  So that's how long I've been out here.
KRAIG KANN:  In a way do you think it'll be tough to play four rounds without ‑‑ you know, kind of putting those emotions aside of history and memories and all that sort of stuff?  Will the focus on golf be difficult this week?
JULI INKSTER:  No.  I think the focus is always on golf.  I just think for us and the community, you know, it's a love affair.  I mean we knew when we came to Rochester, and also Corning, you know, most people from Rochester drove down to Corning to watch us play.
So you know, I just think the area, you know, we've grown up together.  We've started this thing together, and they take a real interest in who you are and what you do and how you play.  They're very golf knowledgeable, and you know, like they said, hopefully it's not good‑bye, it's just a short time and we'll get back here.
KRAIG KANN:  Let's take some questions.  Right here in the front.

Q.  In what ways is this course different and maybe more difficult than Locust Hill?
KRAIG KANN:  Specific to which player?  Any of them?

Q.  Let's start with Karrie.
JULI INKSTER:  Rochester I feel like I was driving it down a one‑way street.  Yeah, and I never hit it.
KARRIE WEBB:  You feel like you can breathe around here, I think.  At least off the tee.
JULI INKSTER:  Off the tee it's a lot more generous.  I mean it's a totally different golf course.  You know, I'm not saying anything bad, but Locust Hill is a country club, and it kind of winds up, winds back, winds up.  Here, you got different doglegs, you got dogleg‑right, you got dogleg left, you got short holes, you got long holes; the greens set up.  You're hitting a lot of different clubs to greens.  The chipping area is I think a lot tougher.  I think this is a major championship golf course.
KRAIG KANN:  Karrie?
KARRIE WEBB:  I agree with Juli.  You know, I think, you know, obviously like we said earlier, it's a second‑shot golf course, so you know, there's ample room off the tee, which is complete opposite to Locust Hill.
But you know, for the amount of rain we've had in a few days, it shows you the quality of the golf course because we wouldn't probably have had to play preferred lie today because the fairways held up very well.
And you know, I think that the challenge is the second shots, where at Locust Hill you had to get it in the fairway.  If you drive it well that week, you normally had a pretty good week.  I think this week your iron play is going to be a must, good iron play.
KRAIG KANN:  Questions back here.

Q.  I have two.  The first one is for Karrie, since you're on the board.  Can you talk a little bit about what's coming up for this championship next year; new name, and why it's good for the tour?  And then do you kind of have a sense that maybe you can get the best of both worlds with the elevation of the major next year and then potentially having a tournament come back here at this venue that you love so far?
KARRIE WEBB:  Yeah, I think, you know, obviously it is the best of both worlds.  If we could have an event back here in Rochester and have, you know, an organization like the PGA of America be involved with that tournament, I think with our LPGA championship now, women's PGA championship, it gives it a stable future.  And we're going to play on some really great venues, in some really big cities, and you know, I think to elevate the LPGA, we need to start cracking into those city markets and drawing those sort of fans, you know, where we get to grow our fan base.
So the best of both worlds would be that we add another tournament to the schedule and we're back here in Rochester.
KRAIG KANN:  Do you have a followup?

Q.  If you all could just kind of tell us your favorite place here in Rochester off the golf course that you like to go to, eat at, something that you love in the community.
KRAIG KANN:  Brilliant answer.
KARRIE WEBB:  North Side Inn, Italian.
LAURA DAVIES:  There are three or four really good Indian restaurants that we normally go to.
PAULA CREAMER:  I was going to say that.
KRAIG KANN:  Let's name them between you two.  What are they?
LAURA DAVIES:  WELL, there's one just down the street back towards Locust Hill, and the other two are sort of further up.

Q.  What's their name?
LAURA DAVIES:  I have no idea.  The Taj Mahal.  I'm going to take a guess.  But they're all very nice.
PAULA CREAMER:  I was going to say the same thing.  The Indian restaurants here are really good.
KARRIE WEBB:  I wasn't going to say that.
KRAIG KANN:  You weren't?  Go ahead.  Was there a question in the back?
PAULA CREAMER:  They're delicious.
LAURA DAVIES:  And for a Paumie to say that they're good Indian restaurants, then they're good.
KRAIG KANN:  Let's get a microphone over here.  Following up the question that was directed to you, Karrie, and Paula, maybe I'll put you on the spot here a little bit, but you've seen over the last four or five years, obviously you haven't been on tour as long as Karrie perhaps or Juli, but kind of a change under Mike, and the business aspect of sports dictates change sometimes, and thus, the LPGA will be moving on with an elevation of this event.  As a player, is that difficult to wrap your arms around or can you see the need for elevating women's golf and how this could be a positive thing, even though it's very difficult?
PAULA CREAMER:  I mean obviously we are going to some bigger places, but last week, even in Grand Rapids, we had huge crowds.  It's not necessarily always the big cities or where we do need to go.  We need to play the best golf courses and best markets for the sponsors and presenting sponsors.  I agree with that.
But there is a lot of loyalty involved in golf as well.  And when you get these communities that are just so invested, and this week is all about, like Juli said, I feel kind of bad driving by Locust Hill, there's no parking‑‑ I feel like we're not helping them go on their vacations or whatnot with their parking.
But you know, it does help, I mean obviously we need to be shown more and things like that, but I love the smaller communities.  I personally have always enjoyed going to them, and you know, just having a tournament be around for so long at a same golf course, I personally prefer that, but I do understand the business side of things, and the way that sports goes and the way that just women's sports in general, that's the way it has gone.
KRAIG KANN:  Juli, do you see the need for change potentially and the growth or where things are going?  There have been a few things that come to mind over the last couple of years, the addition of a fifth major championship, race to the CME globe with a big bonus pool at the end of the year; the Annika Major Award has been added recently, the KPMG Women's PGA Championship now takes over and elevates this major championship to a different level.  What are your thoughts on some of those changes you've seen recently?
JULI INKSTER:  Well, a lot of people don't like change, you know, but I think as the women's game evolves, I think change it necessary.
I think having the PGA of America involved in supporting a women's sports organization is huge.  I think they'll run it well.  I think they have a huge amount of marketing money to promote women's golf, and I think that's where we lack sometimes is the marketing, the PR as far as, you know, weeks, months in advance.  It's promoting when we're going to be on TV, where we're going to be on TV so people can know and follow it.
But you know, change is tough, and you know, I do have to admit I'm not a big fan of losing the LPGA championship name, but I think in the long run, for the LPGA, I think it's going to be great.
KRAIG KANN:  Question right here with Mike.  And then let's get a microphone over to Randall, please.

Q.  Paula, I was curious about what you think are the biggest positives about the move to the women's PGA championship next year.
PAULA CREAMER:  The biggest positives?  Well, like what Juli was saying, I mean marketing is going to be huge with that.  I think being able to play those golf courses, it's big for women's golf.  Being able to go to some of the top places.  You know, I don't think that we would have thought that 10 years ago.
You know, even with the British, you know, we've been playing some awesome tracks and being able to go to new levels because of the way that the women have been playing; a little bit more respect I think in that sense, and showing with the U.S. Open this year there's no reason why we can't play the same golf courses as the men.
You know, I think that is a big positive, but just being able to have that, you know, KPMG is going to promote women's golf, and that's what we want.  Not to take anything away from this event, but it is a boost, and we'll see what happens, but it's a year from now, and you know, at the same time, it's a bitter‑sweet moment talking about them, but at the same time we can never take away what Wegmans has done for us.

Q.  Apologies for changing the topic here, but I'm curious from an international perspective from Paula and Laura, your thoughts on where the American game is right now and with the Americans trying to win four majors in a row, just the effect it has on women's golf overall.
KARRIE WEBB:  You haven't spoken for a while.  Does your mic work?
LAURA DAVIES:  It's great, obviously.  Michelle winning the U.S. Open was a massive boost for the women's game because we all know how popular she is.  She's box office.  She's our Tiger, basically, and her doing what she did was fantastic.
And yeah, I'm not saying we want another American to win this major (laughs), but I'm a foreigner, so maybe an Australian or European.
But yeah, I think it's great for the LPGA because we need good Americans, good young Americans, not that Paula or Juli are very young anymore, but would be nice to see them do well.  (Laughs).
So yeah, absolutely.  Massive boost, and I think Mike Whan loves it when he sees those sort of results coming in and what Stacy is doing and being at the top of the money list and every single week seems to be in contention.  That has to be a good thing.
KRAIG KANN:  It's been since '99 since the first three majors were won by Americans, '92 since Americans swept all of the majors available.  Did you have a followup?

Q.  Karrie thoughts on it?
KARRIE WEBB:  I agree with Laura.  I think, you know, for‑‑ when I, you know, went to LPGA Q‑School and you know, got my card at the end of '95, you know, I was predominantly based for 10 years playing U. S. golf, and occasionally leaving the country to play overseas.
You know, I think with the Americans playing better and Stacy being the first American to win Player of the Year a couple of years ago, I think we can have the best of both worlds now.  I think, you know, we can have a solid international schedule, but really grow the game back here and have a much more solid schedule here in the U. S., and I think we've needed the American players to play better and to win and win majors so that American companies want to sponsor the LPGA.
KRAIG KANN:  Other questions.  If we can get a microphone up here in the front please.  We can go in any direction now that you all would like, any topics.

Q.  You learned how to drive here?  Who took you out driving?
PAULA CREAMER:  My dad.  Well, I was 16, so I think I had my permit at the time.  It was my aunt and uncle, they live around here, so it wasn't the rental car, don't worry.  It was their car.  You're going to get me in trouble.
But no, we were driving around, and I was so nervous driving into here anyways to play golf, let alone, you know, on that street you gotta turn into Locust Hill and the policeman comes out and I'm freaking out, but I did it.  We were good.
JULI INKSTER:  You don't want to hit a horse.
PAULA CREAMER:  Yeah, and the horses.  Exactly.  But yeah, I did.

Q.  Was it an automatic?
PAULA CREAMER:  No.  It was normal, just push the gas pedal and hit the brake.
LAURA DAVIES:  That's an automatic car.
PAULA CREAMER:  Well, because I've learned only how to drive manual overseas.  I can only do it overseas in the British.  That's where I learned.  I'm sorry.  It's true.  I can only do it left‑handed.
KRAIG KANN:  Question right here.

Q.  For each of you, what would it be like to personally put your name on the trophy for the final time in Rochester?
LAURA DAVIES:  Obviously that's why we're all here.  You want to win it, you want to be‑‑ yeah, that would be nice, too.
PAULA CREAMER:  Hall of Fame.
LAURA DAVIES:  Yeah, so it's everyone's goal to win this trophy, because I'm assuming the galleries on Sunday for the championship are going to be amazing.  So that walk up 18 is going to be really emotional for someone, and we all want to be there, but there's another 150 odd players that want to be there, too.  So it's just going to be a great week, on a great course, and hopefully the weather will let us show everyone what we can do again.
KRAIG KANN:  Juli, make you pick up your microphone.
JULI INKSTER:  That was perfectly said.  It would be amazing, really amazing.
KRAIG KANN:  Paula, your thoughts on what it would mean.  I mean you've had a great victory already this year, but to win this thing would probably be what?
PAULA CREAMER:  Well, I think just because I remember after my grandfather passed away and walking up 18 the first time where he wasn't standing behind the clubhouse at Locust Hill, it was probably the most emotional I think I've ever been on a golf course.
I think this is going to be similar.  I've grown up here.  It's been very special to me.  They've asked me to come here when I was just a 16‑year‑old girl, and to have that‑‑ be able to come out and see the best players in the world, it definitely changed my life, and to have my name on the trophy for the last name here, it would be very, very special.
KRAIG KANN:  Karrie.
KARRIE WEBB:  Yeah, obviously similar answers to the other three girls, I think.  You know, we are all here to win the event and try to do our best to do that.  And you know, to win the event the last time it's called the LPGA Championship will be very special, and last time it's here in Rochester.  So you know, I think any of us would be very proud to win this week.
KRAIG KANN:  Question in the back.

Q.  Juli and Laura, aside from the parking prices can give us a little bit of an idea of the first few years that you played this championship what it was like in terms of crowds and support and just the overall atmosphere, how it's changed?
LAURA DAVIES:  Excuse me.  I'm not saying anything.  When I very first started coming here, it was the Patty Sheehan show and the Nancy Lopez show.  They seemed to dominate it.  And obviously their popularity, the galleries were huge then.
I'm not saying they've fallen off any now, but in those days I just remember coming here and it looked like a major championship.  And I'm not just saying that because we're here now.  That's what it was like.  The galleries were up from word go.  And then it's gone through the ages; you know, Annika came here, Lorena, I'm not sure if she ever won it.  I'm sure she did.  She won everywhere else.  And it's just gone on and on.
1988 was my rookie year, and I'm assuming I played here that year.  And as I said, I think one missed in the last 26 years shows how much I've enjoyed it and how much I think the galleries make it for us, and I'm not just saying that.
JULI INKSTER:  I would say the same.  By far it was the biggest gallery we played all year long in front of was Rochester.  And I might even put the Open in there.  I mean they drew incredible.  And like Laura said it was the Patty Sheehan, Pat Bradley, and Lopez show.
And I knew Patty well; I went to school with Patty, and so I was‑‑ when I was a rookie, I said, what tournaments do I really need to play; and she said, Rochester is the one you need to be at for sure.  I mean that's the best golf course we play and the people, the fans are amazing.  She goes, you won't even‑‑ you know, you would be shocked how many people show up.  And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah.  But she was right.
And all this‑‑ the really sickos sat behind 5 green and watched everybody four‑putt, four and five‑putt on that.  I mean it was amazing.  The green was perched like that.  They've definitely changed it since then, but if you could get by 5 without making a bogey or double bogey, you were pretty good.
PAULA CREAMER:  This weekend, like trying to find your way around, you've been coming here forever, but to come to this club and find the locker room, find the range, find everything.
JULI INKSTER:  That's what I think kind of makes it feel like a major.  The golf course feels that way.  You're coming to a new site; you don't know where anything is.  You have restaurants, you don't know where those are located.  But to me that kind of made it feel like, hey, this is a major.
KRAIG KANN:  Laura, have you been disoriented this week with the new venue?
LAURA DAVIES:  Not that much.  I mean driving past Locust Hill is the worst because normally, like Paula said, you got all these big grand stands.  There's nothing but a few people out there, the trolleys playing the golf course.  For some reason it doesn't seem right.
Coming into this area, like Juli said, as you drive up the drive there's all the $10 parking, so the community just moved over, so people are going on holiday, Juli.  Don't worry about that.  They're going to get their money.
PAULA CREAMER:  I felt bad.
LAURA DAVIES:  I must admit, I did, too, because when we were driving along, Tonya hadn't been there, and we were saying to her, this is where the people used to make their money for their holiday.  So it is a bit of a trip down memory lane.  It's a shame for everybody, but things move on.
KRAIG KANN:  Paula, in talking to some of the folks that run the tournament here locally, I asked them did they feel strange about it not being at Locust Hill for the final time, and they said absolutely the opposite.  It's been energizing for everybody.  How have you felt this week about a new venue and driving in and stuff?
PAULA CREAMER:  It's great.  There's still tons of people that came out to watch.  Everybody in the clubhouse has been so nice.
You know, I drove by, past the place.  I turned around, almost got my car towed.  It's all going on so far for me this week.  Parking passes, you gotta put those things out or your car is gone.  They came out and told me on the putting green today.  So I said okay.

Q.  You almost had your car towed this week?
PAULA CREAMER:  They said, where's your parking pass?  Apparently it wasn't visible.  I'm not big time like Webbie with the courtesy car.
KARRIE WEBB:  Well, if you would give your time on the board, you would get a car.
PAULA CREAMER:  Here we go.  But‑‑ I'm ignoring you right now.
KRAIG KANN:  Good job, Karrie.
PAULA CREAMER:  But it is refreshing, and I think you can tell with the staff.  You know, I think it's obviously mixed emotions, but it does have that major feel.  I mean we try to figure out where the putting green is, the first tee, tenth tee.  That's what we do with our majors, you go out and you kind of find the lay of the land.  If this was at Locust, we'd all be kind of just cruising around and know what to do, but everybody does seem very excited that we're here, and the golf course we deserve to be here, but it's a great track.
KRAIG KANN:  Any other questions?  Any back?  Anybody?  I'll leave you all with this, and you are not allowed to say, yes, I'll say what she said.  Okay.  A message from each of you to the folks in Rochester that will be out here this week for what this event has meant to you personally, whatever you'd like to say to them.  What would your message be for this community?  Karrie, we'll start with you since you're a board member with all the answers.  I won't let Inkster go last, because she's the one that always says I'll just say what they said.
KARRIE WEBB:  I guess my message to the city of Rochester is thank you.  Thank you for 38 years.  Thank you for being the greatest fan base that we've had over that time.
You know, we'll miss you and hope to be back sooner rather than later.
JULI INKSTER:  Thanks for the memories.  There were a lot of great memories, a lot of great champions, and you guys should be proud.
LAURA DAVIES:  I think it's only a five‑hour drive to Westchester, so they could make it if they wanted to next year.  So thank you anyway.
PAULA CREAMER:  And I'll follow that.
KRAIG KANN:  Paula, good luck.
PAULA CREAMER:  Just to everybody, thank you for supporting us, you know, for what they do with their charities, using women's golf to help benefit that is pretty special, and being able to come to a place where, you know, you just‑‑ you see so many happy faces, and I really want to say thanks to Wegmans in itself.
You know, I got to play golf with Mr.Wegman before he passed away and he was just such an amazing person and human being and to believe in our tour and to believe in women's golf, you know, we just take our hats off to that.
KRAIG KANN:  On behalf of the LPGA and communications team, thank you to all the media as well.  There is a reception tonight in your honor for all you've done to support this event, write the stories, tell the stories, share the stories about the LPGA and these great players.  We hope we'll see you tonight.  For Juli Inkster, Laura, Paula, Karrie, thank you all for coming in here, and best of luck this week in this major championship.

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