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August 8, 2014
Q. You must be delighted, another very good round and in contention going into the weekend.
MIKKO ILONEN: It's definitely been my two best days in America, golf‑wise, ever, so far. For some reason I've struggled on these courses I've been able to play. But maybe gathered some experience from the past and now good play is giving me some results.
Q. The conditions, did they in some way suit you or were you just playing well?
MIKKO ILONEN: I think we got lucky with the draw. We didn't really have much rain. It was only on 5,6,7 when the wind was blowing a little bit and it was drizzling down and you needed some umbrellas to keep us dry. Other than that it was fine. Being last off is never great but I think it worked well for us this time.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports