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August 1, 2014

Charl Schwartzel


Q.  Here with Charl Schwartzel.  You shot a 65 yesterday, 69 today.  Still a good number.  What was the difference between today and yesterday?
CHARL SCHWARTZEL:  I think the difference was pretty much 11 and 12 today.
I was playing pretty solid golf.  I was 3 under through 10.  Had a really short one on 11 and a pretty makable one on 12, and I missed it, where yesterday I was making them.  It sort of kills the momentum.
Then left the ball putt short on 14.  Felt like you're going to 5 under for the day, then you're back at 2.  To top it off, the three‑putt on 17.  Not a great finish at the end there, but I don't think it's much damage done.  It's still two days to go.

Q.  You still are in the mix as you head into the weekend.  A bit of a change tomorrow with tee times now 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. because of the weather.  Because of that change, is it a difficult adjustment for you?
CHARL SCHWARTZEL:  It's really interfering with my sleep.  I don't think it affects me much.
The ball on this golf course in the morning will go a little shorter, where this course will play a little longer.  Probably only the first nine holes and then back to normal.  Don't think it will make much difference.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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