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July 20, 2014
THE MODERATOR: This is one of the best days that we have at this event. Obviously it's the final day, but this presentation always brings a smile to everybody here.
This is our Sixth Annual Gene Upshaw Scholarship Award. I'd like to introduce the folks behind the room here, Terri Upshaw, on your left. In the back left, Patrick Rhamey, Executive Vice President of Edgewood Companies; Steve Griffith, back right, representing NBC Sports, and our recipient this year, the Sixth Annual Gene Upshaw Scholarship Award winner, who just waved, is Melissa Petty, Whittell High School.
I'd like to introduce, counselor at Whittell, Estela Gerlinger. And we have family here today, folks. We have Wendy and Matt, the parents. Kathy and Jim, grandparents. Proud.
What we'd like to do is start off, Terri, why don't you give us a few words on your involvement over the years with this and what this event and what this scholarship means.
TERRI UPSHAW: This is our Sixth Annual Gene Upshaw Scholarship Award. And every year I'm astonished by the recipient, the accomplishments that each recipient brings every year. It's quite a resumé for a young person.
This year, Melissa, I've just read all about what you've accomplished, and I just learned a few minutes ago how you are one of 13, which is just amazing.
This award, this really means so much to me to be able to present this in honor of Gene. Gene was really a person who represented family, faith, commitment, integrity, many things that actually you exhibit now at a young age.
Gene always fought for the better of the game. He wanted players to have benefits, equal pay, just to be treated as individuals and to be respected, and he fought hard for players, both in and out of the game, and his legacy continues to live on.
We honor him by doing many things in the community. And this scholarship is one of them.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Terri. I'd like to introduce Patrick Rhamey, Executive Vice President of Edgewood Companies. Patrick, Edgewood has been involved in this since day one. We'd like to know your thoughts and why the company is so involved.
PATRICK RHAMEY: Sure. Thanks. At Edgewood, we're proud to partner with NBC Sports on this, and just the opportunity to share a little bit of our success with our community, with our residents.
And I think that with Melissa, and I know it's a little embarrassing to hear all these people gloat over you, but I think we're really excited to see how her career grows and how her schooling goes in college and to see her leadership opportunities in the future.
Not just leadership, but leadership in service. Leadership in service to her community and her family. And so we're really excited to watch her grow in that.
THE MODERATOR: I'd like to introduce Steve Griffith representing NBC Sports. Steve, nice to have you here.
STEVE GRIFFITH: Thank you, Phil. I just met Melissa today, so I can't speak directly to all of her accomplishments, but I can tell you that it's one of NBC Sports' great partnerships, something they take a lot of pride in, their work with the community here. And this is one of the great manifestations of that effort.
And, of course, we've been doing this now for six years, and I can tell you that just barely remembering six years ago, a lot of tears were shed when Gene left us. And some of them were mine.
So it's really exciting to be involved and to be part of this. And on behalf of NBC Sports, I assure you that this is very important to them.
I work with them all year long, and they are excited to be part of it, and it is a great thing for Gene's legacy.
THE MODERATOR: I'd like to introduce once again Melissa Petty, our award winner. Congratulations on the $5,000 scholarship award. Why don't you give us a few words on what this means to you.
MELISSA PETTY: Well, Gene Upshaw exemplified family, faith and service. And those are values I aspire to. This scholarship gives me an opportunity to pursue a goal of a science degree.
I want to become a criminalist, which is someone who helps solve crime. And I think as a criminalist I'll be able to help bring justice to families and communities, and I feel like that's what he was all about.
THE MODERATOR: We know your folks are very happy because the scholarship also helps, too.
Questions? As Terri mentioned, when you look at her resumé, the grades are jumping off the charts. Her involvement in community affairs is jumping off the charts, and just her whole attitude.  That's why she's the recipient of this award.
Q. Melissa, when you got this award, how did it change your life? How do you feel is this going to make an impact on your life by getting it?
MELISSA PETTY: I was so excited. First, I didn't know how to handle myself. I ran around screaming out of thrill and stuff. But this is going to change everything, because it's going to open opportunities for me that weren't available for me before.
This is great. I really appreciate this.
THE MODERATOR: Congratulations.
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