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June 27, 2014
A. RADWANSKA/M. Larcher De Brito
6/2, 6/0
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. I'm here because I'm from Portugal. I would like to ask you how you could assess what went on in the match today. It was a very nervy start of the match, and then you just flew away with the victory. Tell me what happened.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think, yes, beginning was pretty tight, especially that those couple of games I should have won anyway. 40‑15 in both games.
I think conditions were a little bit different and windy out there. We didn't play for so long, so it's always a little bit different from when you play someone every couple months.
I think I just what I had to do to win that match. I think second set was much better for me as well. I was serving much better and just feel confident. You know, pretty good today.
Q. You said you knew what you had to do to win the match. Can you specify?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think she is very solid player. You know, both side very similar. But I think serving in that match was not that huge thing, so I think I was really receiving pretty okay today.
That gave me more advantage in the rallies as well afterwards, so I think that helps a lot.
Q. Did it surprise you that in the second set she sort of faded away?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think you should ask really her what happened there. I was just playing my game and just going for it.
Maybe in the end she didn't really know what to do. Couple of really small mistakes and then it was in the second set going much faster. It was not really tight games. I think just the first game was pretty long. I think that was a little bit the key also in that second set.
Then suddenly just went much faster until the end.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports