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June 21, 2014
M. KEYS/A. Kerber
6‑3, 3‑6, 7‑5
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Congratulations. It was a terrific final. You must feel a little bit battered with her serve and the groundstrokes?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah, it was a good final, for sure. She was serving very good the whole match.
But, you know, actually I think I would just take all the positive things when I going now to Wimbledon, because I had great, tough matches here. I feeling good on grass, and, yeah, I'm looking forward now to the next tournament and to my next chance.
Q. How hard was it coping with the serve?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: You know, it's always not easy when somebody is serving like she did the whole match, but I was trying and I think I had also some good returns. But I think it was a tough battle.
I mean, she was playing good today, like me. I was playing also not bad. But, you know, that's tennis. Just only one can win a match like that and she won today.
Yeah, I mean, there was just at the end one, two points which decide the match.
Q. How good is she and how good is she going to be, do you think?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Let's see. I mean, like I said also before the match, she is a really dangerous player. She's young and she has a great talent, so for sure she will be dangerous in the future.
Yeah, I think she will have like a good future, for sure.
Q. Heather says she expects her to get into the top 10 and will be disappointed if she doesn't. Do you see that?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: I mean, that's always tough to say something like this. You need to be a consistent player. You need to play like a whole year very good.
For sure she has the possibility to play like a top‑10 player. She played today really high level, and I wish her really good luck. But let's see what's happen in the future.
Q. Do you think the call with match point made you lose a little bit of focus?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Maybe. Maybe. I don't know. I was sure ‑‑I mean, it was a close score, and to overrule in this point, I mean, okay, but I don't know. You never know what's happened if it's ‑‑I don't know.
Q. You had a couple of calls that went against you. How frustrating was that?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah. I mean, when you don't have like Hawk‑Eye, it's always tough to see. Sometimes it's going, it's positive; sometimes it's negative.
I was then just trying to focus on the next point and just try to play, yeah, the next points and not thinking about this because that's happen sometimes.
Q. Does it make you appreciate Hawk‑Eye when you have a match like that?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah, I think I do. It's not bad then.
Q. When you lost in the final before you seemed just kind of devastated. I remember you found it quite hard to talk after the match. You seem much more positive this time.
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah, I mean, it was a tough final. Of course I'm disappointed. I would be lying if I said no.
But, you know, I will now just take my energy by myself and focusing on Wimbledon. I mean, in two days we have the third Grand Slam, and I think this is the most important thing.
I had great matches, and this is only the thing which I said before coming here is to have close and tough matches, and I had these battles. Right now I really just will speak with my coach about this match, take the positive things and making sure that I will make maybe the next time like better result or better match, because it was really just like two, three points at the end.
Q. Did you try to change your tactics throughout the match, or did you just focus on executing what you were doing better?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: You know, I was just trying on myself and trying to playing better and moving good and not changing nothing.
Q. What's your schedule now from here to Wimbledon?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah, I think I will make a day off right now. I will not doing nothing this Saturday.
Tomorrow for sure I will practice like once in Wimbledon, like hit some balls. And I have like Monday off, too, because I'm playing Tuesday. So it's actually not bad.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports