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March 5, 2013
DENNIS WOLFF: Well, we've been playing hard for probably the whole season, but we've been playing maybe harder than our record would indicate the last two weeks. We had two good wins, and for three quarters of the game against Miami on Sunday, I thought that we were in a position where we've given ourselves a chance to win the game. We are also coming in‑‑ I heard what Joanne said, and I think we're coming in in a positive frame of mind and looking forward to playing a very good Miami team.ÂÂ
Q. With what you saw from Miami on Sunday, how do you kind of try to be more competitive with them on the boards and try to keep people from having double‑doubles against you?
DENNIS WOLFF: Well, again, it's‑‑ the answer is kind of simple. I think we have to‑‑ the two areas as I told you after the game, I think maybe three areas, when we had opportunities that we didn't convert on the offensive end that led to transition baskets where we got twisted around in our transition defense, we gave them some looks there that they hadn't gotten against our half court defense, and then we found ourselves in two or three situations, not getting a body on bigger girls, and if we do that, we're going to be at a rebounding disadvantage.
When we practice today, we're going to spend quite a bit of time just trying to reinforce those things to see if we can do a little bit better job than we did Sunday.
Q. Talk about what Monet Tellier has meant to your team this year.
DENNIS WOLFF: Monet has had a season in which I think that she's matured as a player. I think that she's always been capable, and I think she has highs and she has lows, and I think her recent play has been a little bit more even keeled, and she's been a little bit more consistent, and that's been good for her and very good for our team.
Q. Can you share how you game plan for a tournament like this? You play Miami, you've just played them, and not looking ahead or anything, but how you go about and plan for the rest?
DENNIS WOLFF: Well, I think we're in a position where we had the same thing happen to us last year, and we ended up playing wake the last regular season game and then played them in the tournament.
You know, in terms of our familiarity with them, and I'm sure Katie said the same thing, their familiarity with us, it's your most recent game. I'm going to kind of echo what Joanne said. We're going in, we had from our standpoint what we thought was 35 minutes or so of competitive basketball against Miami, and we're going to try to lengthen it out on Thursday and still be alive to play on Friday.
Q. Playing a team three times and having just played them on Sunday, good thing, bad thing? Is it easy because everyone is familiar with the game plan, or is it difficult because this team just beat you a few days earlier?
DENNIS WOLFF: You know, my thought on that, with playing a team three times, I have often thought when I've been on the other end of it that it's been hard to beat a team three times, that the advantage is with the team that would be in the position that we're in. But where we're at with the state of our program and trying to get back up off the mat, so to speak, and the fact that Miami is an established team that's clearly playing for an NCAA berth, I don't know if that thought process really holds true.
You know, it's a one‑game thing. We've just got to go in and we've got to try to put the season behind us, good and bad, and then do the best that we can to try to win the game.
Q. Do you have a feeling that because you guys were at home on Sunday with these guys, the team is not going to be going in there thinking, uh‑oh, we're 0‑2 against these guys, or do you think your team will go in thinking we know we can play with these guys?
DENNIS WOLFF: Well, I hope they're not going to go in thinking we're 0‑2 against them, and I didn't get that vibe from the girls after the game. What I got was we played very hard and we made some mistakes that I think are correctable. We're going to have to shoot the ball better. We're not going to beat them if Uju and Monet's shooting numbers are what they were in that game. We don't have enough offensive firepower to do that. So we're going to have to hope that we can get them slowed down a little bit on some of their looks, and that's not an easy thing because Miami is a very good defensive team.
We're going to go in with the mindset that this is the start of the‑‑ you have the non‑conference season, you have the conference season, now you have the postseason and the ACC tournament, so we're starting a new season, and we're going do the best we can in this game.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports