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October 3, 2011

Tray Allen

Q. Talk about the running game, you're running the ball twice as much as throwing the ball.
TRAY ALLEN: Yes, sir. We have -- everybody talks about us not running the ball like great Texas offenses have in the past and we are getting back to playing Texas football, running the ball more than we are passing it and putting a lot more responsibility on the offensive line to make the holes and get through and gain yardage and first downs and pick it up and take it away.

Q. What makes this week so fun as a player?
TRAY ALLEN: The aesthetics are important, the Texas/OU rivalry, a lot of us are from Texas and it's something that we grew up watching and you know, wanting to be a part of before we can even really walk and talk and understand football really. So this week, playing in the Texas - OU game, it's going to be a great game. They are a great team. They are ranked; we are ranked, and we are ranked where we are ranked, but it's going to be two great teams going head-to-head.

Q. Do the freshmen seem overwhelmed by this?
TRAY ALLEN: I was a freshman that got overwhelmed by the game but luckily we had great teams that grabbed me by the back of my shoulder pads and said, hey, we are going to play football, you have to get the W and get out of here.

Q. How long does it take to get over the early jitters? How do you keep the young players in tune?
TRAY ALLEN: When you are in the tunnel they are going to be jittery, but when you lineup for the pregame drills, the jitters will leave pretty quick.

Q. What's your favorite Texas/OU moment?
TRAY ALLEN: There's a couple. I mean, recruits, being able to see Rob Wright pick up a fumble and score. Seeing Jerry Horton come down and Peterson (ph) on the kick return and you know, Jordan taking kickoff back for a touchdown and early getting a big key interception and Curt just blocking a punt and Chris taking a sweep down the sideline for seven yards. So many great moments and so many great moments that I'm luckily -- I'm so happy to be a part of.

Q. Is that your Top-10?
TRAY ALLEN: Yeah. (Laughter).

Q. What's the difference this year?
TRAY ALLEN: We established a new identity playing as a team. Everything is team-oriented. We can't have another year like we did last year and we won't have another year like we did last year. That's what we have been working for all off-season since our last game in November of last year.
We credit ourselves with not being 5-7 again and that's something that we have taken on our shoulders and the seniors and all of the rest of the team, we have committed ourselves and made our team commit to to give an effort that isn't 5-7 worthy and we are going to win all of our games this year.

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