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March 22, 2025

Philip Zinckernagel

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Press Conference

Chicago 3, Vancouver 1

Q. How did it feel to score the goal?

PHILIP ZINCKERNAGEL: It's always nice to score but most important we win, and what a relief in the end; Romi scored his first goal, too. Just a top shift from the boys today. Nice with the goal, but a victory is more important.

Q. Overall your thoughts on the game?

PHILIP ZINCKERNAGEL: I think we played a really good game. This is a difficult spot to come, and it's a good team. They play good football. But we worked hard, and yeah, we created chances, too, and made it difficult for them. I'm proud of the team.

Q. We're back at home next weekend. How excited are you to get in front of our fans after being on the road for so long?

PHILIP ZINCKERNAGEL: I'm so excited. I miss the Fire fans. I miss Soldier Field. I can't wait. It's amazing to win away, but it's not the same as winning at home. So let's go Fire.

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