November 3, 2024
Pit Lane Interview
Q. William, you saw what Christopher Bell did with the 20. What do you think about his move? Do you think it was fair?
WILLIAM BYRON: He rode the wall. There's a clear rule against riding the wall. In my ride, that's what counts. The 23 stuff is what it is. There was a lot going on there, so...
Just see what they say here in a sec. We had damage ever since the 12 shipped the 16 car out of the way, screwed up our tow. We were terrible in the long run for the final stage after that. Sucks.
But proud of my team. We'll see what happens here.
Q. Just to confirm, you consider that a wall ride? You think it should not be his spot in the championship based on the move he made?
WILLIAM BYRON: Yeah, there's a rule against it. We all sat in meetings and talked about whether there should be a rule against it. Front tires are off the ground coming off four there against the fence. Yeah, it happened in the past, and it was fair game. Now the rule's against it.
I don't see how you can call it any different.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
