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October 19, 2024

Kevin Jennings

Jahfari Harvey

Stanford, California, USA

Postgame Media Conference

SMU 40, Stanford 10

Q. How does it feel to be bowl eligible in October?

KEVIN JENNINGS: It's a great feeling. You know, it's early in the season. Only played seven games, and we're bowl eligible. So it's a great feeling.

Q. Jahfari, you hold Stanford to ten points and I think it was 206 total yards. What worked best for your defense tonight? Why were you guys so effective?

JAHFARI HARVEY: Just winning first and second down, getting him to have to throw the ball. I think had seven sacks today. So just getting to putting that edge back in and get after the quarterback.

Q. Did things change the way you attacked after they switched quarterbacks?

JAHFARI HARVEY: 14, he was able to use his feet a little bit more. So when Tua was in there, he switched it up instead of all that containing and stuff, you get loose a little bit more. That's the way I probably see switching the most, just not having to contain as much.

Q. Kevin, what do you see on that first play of the game, and what's allowed you guys to be so successful on drives?

KEVIN JENNINGS: We've been preparing for that look the whole week, so I saw the two people out there. I was, like, yeah, it's money right here. Caught the ball, threw the slant, and he took it for six. We drew it up like that, and that's how it worked out.

Q. Jahfari, what's the key for the defensive line, and the consistency you've played with, especially against the run this season?

JAHFARI HARVEY: That's it right there. First thing first, you start that run. You start that run, and you will be able to get on that third down. That's the first thing is pounding that run.

Q. What did you see on R.J. extending the play and breaking free?

KEVIN JENNINGS: I was going through my progression and felt somebody at my foot and scrambled around and just happened to see him wide open. He was just in the back of the end zone, so yeah.

Q. What things changed offensively when you lose a guy like R.J. and all the different things he can do and overcoming them and finishing and all those things?

KEVIN JENNINGS: A lot definitely changed. He's a dynamic receiver, tight end, anything. You can put him anywhere, he will go make some plays. We'll have to game plan and focus on the next guy coming up, but it takes a lot from our offense.

Q. Did you enjoy taking some of the deep shots?

KEVIN JENNINGS: Just putting the ball to my receiver's facilities and letting them make a play. They're going to come out. That it's really like a 90-10 ball for them. It's not 50-50. Just putting the ball in the vicinity and knowing they're going to make a play for me.

Q. What was the trip out here like and finding this atmosphere is different than what you saw at Louisville? Did you guys kind of have to pump yourselves up a little bit more, especially after a bye?

KEVIN JENNINGS: Yeah, we knew the whole week that we were going to have to create our own energy. Coach said all week to create your own energy. We came from Louisville. The stadium was packed, rattling, and all of that stuff to here where not many fans. We have to create our own energy for sure.

Q. It looked like in the first quarter of the offense you guys did almost everything you wanted, and it cooled off a little bit in the second. Did they change the way they were attacking you guys? I know there was a stretch of three sacks in six or eight plays, but was it their changes or you guys cooling off a little bit?

KEVIN JENNINGS: It wasn't really too much on their end they did different. It was our offense not executing the base plays. We're going to go back and look at the film and see what we did wrong and what we can correct on and things like that.

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