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September 21, 2024

Owen McCown

San Antonio, Texas, USA

Press Conference

UTSA 45, HCU 7

Q. Owen, what did it feel like in the locker room after this one?

OWEN McCOWN: Good, good. Obviously feels great to get a win, especially after these past couple weeks. All we wanted to see was progress. For those results to show out it was great to see a win.

Q. The offense had over 500 yards of production. What was clicking today for that unit?

OWEN McCOWN: I think a big emphasis this game was running the ball. It clearly showed. It helped open up the pass game, but getting those guys going up front, we executed well, and ya'll saw what happened.

Q. What were the biggest differences you saw this week compared to the last couple games?

OWEN McCOWN: I just think this week the detail in practice, taking it day by day. Every rep, if there was a bad rep, we would redo it. That's our philosophy is winning each day, so to make it right in practice, we know the game will just show.

That's what happened.

Q. You were able to connect on a downfield shot to Willie McCoy. What did you see on that play and how important that was?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, that was great call by Coach Burke. They gave us that one deep safety look, so we know it's a one-on-one on the outside. Willie a ran a great little double move route. It was great call by Coach Burke and Willie executed really well.

Q. How would you sum up your performance today? You had two or three touchdowns and over 200 yards.

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, wasn't bad. I'm just glad we got the win. There is always little things. Wasn't perfect. Not where I want it to be, but it was progress. That's all we can ask for.

Glad we got the win.

Q. When you kind of look back at -- first start off, when you went for that first down you launched for it, your helmet came off. Was the decision when you got back to the sideline, okay, let's take the rest of the day off?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, Coach Traylor just said, we'll roll with Eddie. Eddie is my guy, so I was obviously happy to see him go out there.

Q. When you come into this game, obviously back to back losses, feeling of getting back on track, is that the feeling in the locker room after a win like this, a dominant performance like this?

OWEN McCOWN: For sure, for sure. We didn't blink. Like I've said this week, these past couple weeks our two losses, that's our event, the E and the R. The R is the response. We responded today. You know, and obviously the outcome is the win.

We didn't blink one bit and glad we got the win.

Q. What's your assessment of the offensive line play? Looked like they played their best game so far this year.

OWEN McCOWN: For sure. For sure. I know they had a chip on their shoulder coming in, and it showed Sunday after that game watching film last week. All we can ask for is progress and those guys played their butts off.

Q. Seemed like they were able to open up some pretty big running lanes for the running backs. What does that when you get that rushing game going?

OWEN McCOWN: Right, opens up everything else. Opens up those deep shots. They have to start bringing the safety in the box, and like I said, leaves one high safety, which means your guys on the outside are one-on-one. It helps everything.

Q. What was it like going through the last couple weeks and facing some of the criticism you faced?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, we're a tight group. We try not to look at all that stuff. But like I said, we just had to respond. Win or loss, those guys in the locker room will respond, and I felt like that's what we did today.

Q. How do you rate this team's readiness to kickoff an important game next week with the start for conference play?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, it'll start tomorrow. We'll clean up this film and getting right into those guys. ECU has a great defense, great team. They mix up a lot of looks. We'll definitely have our hands full, but we just got to take it day by day.

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