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August 31, 2024

Owen McCown

San Antonio, Texas, USA

Press Conference

UTSA 28, Kennesaw State 16

Q. Owen, what was the mood in the locker room after this game today?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, I think overall we got the win and that's most important, but obviously that second half was not where we wanted it to be, so that's -- we know we're better than that and we'll fix it.

But just overall satisfied we got the win.

Q. How will you grade your start today?

OWEN McCOWN: Pretty good. I think offensively in the first half I think Coach Burke and the rest of the guys around me did a really good job and we got to execute the offense really well.

Put a lot of points up in the first half. In the second half there were some bumps in the road, so we'll get back and look at that. But overall we got the win.

Q. Did you feel any nerves or jitters coming into today? What was you mindset like?

OWEN McCOWN: No, none at all. Not with the group around us and the coaching staff that prepares us. No, not at all.

Q. How important was it to get off to a hot start with the three touchdown drives early in the game?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, that's something we talked about. Starting out fast, set the tone of the game. Like I said, Coach Burke had some really good plays dialed up. My job is get to the playmakers, and that's what I try to do, and they were awesome.

Q. Was there anything you can point to that the offense slowed down a little bit from there and through the second half? What changed for you guys?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, I think some self-inflicted wounds obviously, starting with the penalties, just holding penalties. Can't have those. Just kills drives. Some of the sacks, we'll have to get back and look at whether that was me getting the ball out of my hands or just protection-wise where we can fix that and be better next time.

Q. You guys talked through fall camp about the importance of starting out strong this year and having a better non-conference season that we've seen here in the years past. How did you feel like the effort was reflected in the performance today?

OWEN McCOWN: Good. Like you said, the first three drives we executed really well. Obviously we had some bumps in the road in the second half, but overall got the win and that's part of starting fast. It's a team game. Defense played a heck a game. Like I said, we're glad we got the win.

Q. When you watch the film today what do you think you're going to see?

OWEN McCOWN: I think like probably ya'll saw the first half was really well. We executed really well. The second half was self-inflicted wounds, whether that was penalties, sacks, just not executing up to our standards. Just little things like that that we'll fix.

Q. What was Kennesaw doing to shut down the run? Were they stacking the box? What happened there?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, just different stunts up front. They've got a good defense. They executed and adjusted really well in the second half. We have to look at how we can counter that better. They have a good defense, so...

Q. What did you think about the crowd today?

OWEN McCOWN: Awesome. Very electric. Nothing better than playing in front of the Alamodome.

Q. Some thoughts on next week. That's a rivalry game around here.

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, first of all we got to look where we went wrong here and how to clean that up. Obviously Texas State is a really good team, so we will just figure out how we can attack those guys and yeah, should be a fun one.

Q. You seemed to look to Devin McCuin a lot today. I know you guys go back quite a bit. How important was that connection or what led you guys it link up so often?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, I think that starts with play calling, and Coach Burke knows what kind of player Devyn is and how dynamic he is. My job to get to him the ball, so great job bu Coach Burke dialing up those plays, and, yeah, he's a great player.

Q. When did you find out you would be starting today. Was that a decision made this week or did that go back a little longer?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, it was this week. Yeah, Coach Traylor told me this week.

Q. What was your reaction when that happened, when you heard the news?

OWEN McCOWN: Yeah, I was excited. Obviously like any competitor is. But my job is to do my role as best I can, so that was part of it.

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