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November 23, 2018
Lawrence, Kansas
Texas - 24, Kansas - 17
DAVID BEATY: They did what they had to do to win the game when the game was on the line. I'm very, very proud of our guys, they played they're their tails off, they did not surprise us one bit by doing that for the rest of the season. They're just great men. I said it before, the best thing about our team are the men on T very proud of our staff who did an amazing job, Clint Bowen, Kenny Perry, those two guys leadership in those roles, can't thank them enough, they did a terrific job. And then just all the rest of our staff. Zac Woodfin and then all of our position coaches, just absolute studs that will no doubt land on their feet in really good places because they're good men and they're really good coaches. So just want to thank those seniors and I want to thank our team and I want to thank all the Jayhawks out there for having a chance to represent you. It's been fun. So let's take some questions.
Q. After a couple of onside kicks go your way, did you maybe feel like the momentum was going your way?
DAVID BEATY: We felt like we had the momentum there and I was really proud of Rui coming in there and drilling that field goal, I think it was about a 40 yard field goal, so it was certainly not a gimmie, and he drilled it down there. And going and getting that onside kick after the re-kick was big. I thought our guys did a really nice job. I thought Coach Perry did a really nice job of trying to figure out what they were doing in terms of how they were shifting over. We know Craig Naivar really well, he's one of my best friends in coaching, he's the special teams coordinator over there. I thought he did a really nice job of getting them lined up in that last situation, they made a play and got down, but I was proud of our guys because they executed the way we wanted them to do. I thought Rui did a nice job of executing the kicks too.
Q. The highs and lows of Shak's interception and then two plays later Peyton's interception, what you saw out of Peyton on that interception?
DAVID BEATY: Great play by Shak, terrific play by the kid from Texas. We got Steven Sims running wide open right behind him, the dude kind of ducks down and we really can't see him and Peyton's going to put the ball right on him and the guy jumps up and tips it and tips it right to himself, makes a play. And that's kind of what happens, but our defense answered the bell again. Obviously we had to go out there and get them stopped and we did. It hurt us a little bit on the time -- it hurt us a lot on the time. Man, I was proud of our defense for answering the bell and I mean it is what it is. We just didn't make that play at that point, but I certainly felt like we had the right call and the kid made a nice play.
Q. Did you spend the last few weeks like any other time on the job Or was it more emotional for you?
DAVID BEATY: I mean, I wouldn't say that there was any more or less, I mean from an emotion standpoint I'm an emotional guy when I care about something. When you care about something you should carry emotion. This place is special to me. It needed that, I think. It needed that. And I'm glad that we gave that to this place. Now it's like we said to our guys that are in there, and underclassmen, it's your to step up and be the leaders of the group and let's try to get it to the next level.
Q. What was maybe the most difficult thing you had to go through this week or today as you kind of know this was the last one for you?
DAVID BEATY: I think really the biggest thing that was, that really sticks out to you, I think it was for our players as much as it was for our coaches, was just the imminent meeting of the emotional time you're going to have when you get to speak to each other, right? Last night was emotional, certainly just a few minutes was emotional, but I mean, you know what? We're going to be, they're going to be in our life forever, so it's not like it's the end. We certainly won't interfere, that's not what I mean, but those kids, there are guys that we have developed relationships with and, hey, it doesn't end here.
Q. You said Monday that you hadn't talked to Coach Miles yet and you probably wouldn't, but if you could deliver a message to him about this team that you're handing over to him?
DAVID BEATY: I'm not going to answer a bunch of questions about Coach Miles. This is his job moving forward. I'll just say that whether I'm talking to Coach Miles or a man off the street, that if you want a good man, go get a Kansas football player.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
