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September 1, 2018
South Bend, Indiana
Notre Dame - 24, Michigan - 17
THE MODERATOR: We're going to start with running back Karan Higdon.
Q. Was Shea, was he hurt? Was there an issue with the snap count, the communication with the offensive line and quarterback? Did you notice, was there a problem?
KARAN HIGDON: No, it was just a chaotic place. We had a lot of different snap counts and players that we were trying to corresepond with. (Indiscernible). Sometimes we had to rush, sometimes we didn't. We did a good job overall.
Q. The 99-yard touchdown, sparked the line?
KARAN HIGDON: Heck of a spark. I seen him catch it, see him hit that exact same thing in practice. Seeing him do it live in the game was amazing. It was a great spark for the team, kind of pick up off of it.
Q. Why was it so hard for you to get into a flow with the offense?
KARAN HIGDON: The defense did a great job. They had a lot of different stuff going on. They brought a lot of blitzes at first. Every down they blitzed. Brought more guys than we could block and they won the battle.
Q. (Inaudible)?
KARAN HIGDON: No, I mean like I said, they brought a lot of blitzes. Oftentimes, when they bring more guys than you can pick up (inaudible). So they did a great job. Coach did a great job and we got to capitalize.
Q. How do you evaluate the game; do you expect more from your team?
KARAN HIGDON: Yeah, I think we came out. We fought hard. We played hard. We played all four quarters. We can't let this game define us, though. This is only the beginning. But we got another game next week and we've got to get back to the drawing board.
Q. There's a lot of improvement, a little bit of struggle. Are you guys still remaining confident the offensive line is going in the right direction?
KARAN HIGDON: Most definitely. I think a lot of things happen, went on the offensive line. Like I said, they brought more blitzes than people we could pick up. They did their job. We ran hard. Quarterback did his job. We did what we can do.
Q. This game won't define you, but a lot of this going in gives everybody an indication what this team is. What is this team right now?
KARAN HIGDON: We played hard. We played all four quarters. And we continue to fight and obviously we have some guys go down with injuries, with cramps. We have to get back to the drawing board.
Q. Will it take a while to get into the flow with him, early in the third quarter?
KARAN HIGDON: No, comes down to their blitzes, they brought more people than we could pick up. That just created chaos.
Q. (Inaudible) had a chance?
KARAN HIGDON: He did great. Stepped in, did a heck of a game. He matched the game and I was proud of him.
Q. The play where they didn't throw the flag, you were downfield. Take us through what happened and what you thought happened on that play.
KARAN HIGDON: Yeah. I go out and obviously I seen Dylan scrambles, I went to cut back, knew he was going to throw the ball. And the defender got my collar and pulled on me. It is what it is. We can't put the game in the hands of the ref.
Q. How would you describe it right now?
KARAN HIGDON: Like I said, we played hard. We played hard. I think we played all four quarters, like I said. It just didn't go our way. I think better days will come.
Q. What was your message to the team?
KARAN HIGDON: Come on in, give it all you got. Lay it all on the line. We've got four quarters. Training all season, and why not treat this like a national championship game.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
